2020年11月11日Nature在线发表题为Inhibition of PCSK9 potentiates immune checkpoint therapy for cancer的文章(详见BioArt报道:Nature | 抑制PCSK9增强肿瘤免疫治疗效果)证实肿瘤细胞内PCSK9具有肿瘤免疫调节功能,抑制PCSK9可增强肿瘤免疫治...
Nutritional therapy for cancer cachexia: in cancers where high inflammatory stress is usual, protein rich supplements containing n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and high levels of antioxidant vitamins can reverse severe weight lossRF Grimble
The therapy technology is presented in the journalMolecular Therapy: Methods & Clinical Development. The Purdue team used a protein called interleukin-27, or IL-27, which has shown promise in reducingtumor growthand helping stop cancer from spreading in the body. IL-27 is a cytokine, a kind ...
Advancing targeted protein degradation for cancer therapy Article 15 June 2021 PROTAC targeted protein degraders: the past is prologue Article 18 January 2022 Targeted protein degradation: from mechanisms to clinic Article 29 April 2024 References...
PRL3-zumab, a first-in-class humanized antibody for cancer therapy. JCI Insight 1, e87607 (2016). Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Lang, B. T. et al. Modulation of the proteoglycan receptor PTPsigma promotes recovery after spinal cord injury. Nature 518, 404–408 (2015). ...
peptide for cancer targeting and therapy”的综述论文,讨论用于通过原位,体外,体内和离体筛选方法分离各种癌症特异性配体的噬菌体展示技术的改进。并且介绍了实体肿瘤靶向肽的突出例子,即通过噬菌体展示筛选确定的靶向肿瘤血管的肽,肿瘤微环境(TME)和癌细胞上的过度表达受体,以及在临床中基于靶向肽治疗剂的当前挑战和未...
Togashi, Y., Shitara, K. & Nishikawa, H. Regulatory T cells in cancer immunosuppression — implications for anticancer therapy.Nat. Rev. Clin. Oncol.16, 356–371 (2019). ArticleCASPubMedGoogle Scholar Jaiswal, A. et al. Resistance to the BCL-XL degrader DT2216 in T-cell acute lymphobl...
近日,美国MD安德森癌症中心甘波谊研究组在Protein & Cell杂志上发表了名为Cystine transporter SLC7A11/xCT in cancer: ferroptosis, nutrient dependency, and cancer therapy的综述,总结了SLC7A11表达及其转运蛋白活性的多种调控机制,并讨论了SLC7A11如何通过抑制铁死亡以及其他铁死亡非依赖性的功能促进肿瘤的发展。最后...
Another set of experiments employed a mutant virus that had been previously developed by Thorne as a cancer therapy. The investigators inserted the gene for a bioengineered, degradation-prone form of a cell-killing protein into the specialized virus. They then administered it intravenously to live,...
Successes in achieving highly durable clinical responses with antibodies to immune checkpoint receptors such as CTLA4 and PD-1 have transformed the outlook for cancer therapy (1,2). Renaissance in the treatment paradigm via therapies that harness the power of patients’ own immune system to target ...