Winkler et al., " Protein Synthesis in Human Leukocytes, IV. Mutual Inhibition of Amino Acid Incorporation by Amino Acids in Cell-Free Systems ", Hoppe-Seyler's Z. Physiol. Chem., 353:787-792 (1972).Protein synthesis in human leukocytes. IV. Mutual inhibition of amino acid incorpora...
Synthesis of Protein C in Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells1 By monitoring the activation of protein C and the regulation of factor Xa-catalyzed thrombin formation by the activated protein C (APC) on the surface of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC), we found that functional ...
Protein synthesis initiation factors from human HeLa cells and rabbit reticulocytes are similar: comparison of protein structure, activities, and immunoche... 1982 . Protein synthesis initiation factors from human HeLa cells and rabbit reticulocytes are similar: Comparison of protein structure, ...
(Ery)14. If the free 50S subunits, which are Ery-sensitive, could somehow cooperate with the small subunits of Ribo-T in translating the proteome, Ery would stall such hybrid ribosomes on mRNAs and thus inhibit general protein synthesis and cell growth. However, OSYRIS cells continue to grow...
assessed by protein and DNA synthesis, in the absence of a host cell.E.chaffeensisorganisms harvested fromin vitrocultures grown in a vertebrate cell line were fractionated into infectious dense-core cells (DC) and the non-infectious replicating form, known as reticulate cells (RC) by renografin...
Rehm: 1. Die genetische Analyse der Semi-Incompatibilitt After destruction of the living cells the inhibition-system loses its activity and the synthesis of melanins can be observed in vitro. The semi-incompatibility, which can be brought about by any one of several pairs of loci, is ... ...
Protein synthesisRibosomes are key components of protein synthesis in cells. The common property of all proteins is that they consist of long chains ofα-amino (alpha amino) acids. The α-amino acids are so called because the α-carbonatomin themoleculecarries an amino group (―NH2); the ...
1.4.2 Interfering with the synthesis of protein Protein synthesis is a complex and essentially biological process that occurs in living cells and involves the production of specific proteins. The two main steps in protein synthesis are transcription and translation, which are carried out in four phas...
Protein synthesis (translation) is a biosynthetic pathway whereby viable cells assemble amino acids at ribosomes to generate new proteins essential for cell survival. Disruption of ribosomal assembly or any step from initiation to formation of proteins in mycobacteria presents a viable target for drug ...
Suppressive role of C-terminal binding protein 1 in IL-4 synthesis in human T cells - ScienceDirect The functional role of C-terminal binding protein (CtBP)1, a transcriptional corepressor, in Th1 and Th2 cytokine expression in human T cells was investiga... Noriko Kitamura a,Yuji Motoi ...