ProteinWorks eXpress快速酶解试剂盒能够简化并加快蛋白酶解过程,在准备全血或免疫纯化血浆的LC-MS蛋白定量时,将复杂的生物分析/DMPK分析前工作流程精简化和标准化。 借助ProteinWorks,您的实验室可以在常规蛋白定量中获得高重现性、高准确度和高灵敏度方法。这种灵活且可自动化的试剂盒方法缩短了方法开发时间,并且可以...
联系沃特世 应用 生物制药和制药 化学与材料科学 临床研究与诊断 法医鉴证 生命科学研究 食品与饮料分析 环境 科研文章 应用纪要 攻克您的PFAS检测挑战。 从样品前处理到能力测试,沃特世业内出色的工作流程解决方案可以彻底革新您的PFAS分析。 了解沃特世PFAS分析解决方案 正在为...
Flavour Shots from Protein Works are available in small, droplet bottles of 50ml of concentrated flavor, and the price of the calorieless additive is more thanreasonable at £6.99(8.94 USD), unless you get in shortly and use the limited-time coupon code “FLAVOUR” for a discount of 30%,...
ProteinWorks eXpress Digest Kits simplify and accelerate protein digestion, streamlining and standardizing complex pre-analytic bioanalysis/DMPK workflows for LC-MS protein quantification in whole or immunopurified plasma. With ProteinWorks, your lab can routinely achieve highly reproducible, accurate, and...
Maybe it would be good if small plastic spoon would be longer in order to easily take powder such as creatine BCAA or glutamine...because not easy to take it in the bag. Date of experience: December 04, 2024 UsefulShare Reply from Protein Works™ France3 days ago Thank you for your...
Our ProteinWorks catalogue, and the flexibility afford by CustomWorks allows our customers to obtain the precise protein reagents they require. Catalogue Custom Proteins & Prep CustomWorks™ Have special requirements or specific mutations? We can make them ...
采用沃特世最新的蛋白定量试剂盒系列 — ProteinWorks,可获得出色的重现性、准确性和灵敏度。过去复杂的蛋白定量流程通常是通过对酶解后的标志性肽段进行LCMS定量,ProteinWorks eXpress酶解套装简化并加快了蛋白酶解的过程,并简化和标准化了整个过程的预处理工作流程。ProteinWorks μElution SPE试剂盒专为酶解后的肽段的...
图1. ProteinWorks各部分实物图 沃特世推出的ProteinWorks试剂盒,与蛋白药物的LC-MS分析思路完全一致,优化后的样品制备时间缩短到5小时,大大提高了分析通量。 实际应用中也体现了比传统方法更多的优势: 酶切的稳定性 作为前处理的核心环节,酶切对结果的影响是最重要的。沃特世对酶进行了严格的控制,确保了酶的稳定...
Looking to increase your protein intake? These tried and tested powders are designed to help muscle growth, boost energy levels and support bone health. Shop the GHI's top picks now.
除了蛋白粉,现在真正需求的健身补剂可能只有肌酸了,肌酸的作用大家可以自行百度,个人感觉补剂类的重要性排名是蛋白粉>肌酸>鱼油>mct油>谷氨酰胺>hmb>bcaa>eaa,这里就不多做介绍,主要说下这次购物经历。 图2,这次肌酸500g只花了25块钱,而且由于肌酸临期+结块(真的很硬,像砖头,但用力可以揉碎),卖家退了5块钱。