This article reflects on the implications of ICT, in formal, non-formal and informal educational processes, referred to the new identity construction of those who learn to be, do, think and feel, according to other communication codes, although they attend anachronistic educational institutions. It...
Therefore, we have carried out a research with students whose average age allows classifying them as digital natives. We wish to know what degree they are using several well-known 2.0 websites and how they place them in respect of the learning opportunities they offer. Also, we propose a ...
The changing nature of consumption and the intensification of McDonaldization in the digital age. J. Consum. Cult. 2019, 19, 3–20. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Dusi, D. Beyond prosumer capitalism: Retaining the original understanding of prosumption. Curr. Sociol. 2018, 66, 663–681. [...
Based on the findings, we propose a set of policy and managerial implications. Keywords: energy policy; diffusion; technology acceptance model; prosumer; consumer; renewable energy technology; PLS-SEM 1. Introduction The main drivers of the transformation in the energy system are the requirement for...
Since the end of 2023, all the framework conditions have been largely defined for introducing automated tariff-based load shifting to the market in the coming years. The flexible tariffs required by law as an incentive for load shifting are analyzed in more detail. A particular focus is placed...
In the digital age, not only the basic processes changed. Direct access to consumers provides players with data-rich environments, demanding to exploit the new real-time asset. Subsequently, players restructure their internal organizations and roll-out collaborative ICMT tools to cope with the new ...
Through a passive digital ethnography approach, the study examines online debates preceding and following recent legislative interventions adopted in Italy by the new right-wing government in power since late 2022, namely the criminalization of unauthorized rave parties and the punitive approach to ...