Since ejaculation can cause a temporary spike in your PSA levels, your doctor may ask you to hold off on having sex 48 hours before your prostate exam. What Happens During a Prostate Exam? Digital rectal exam Doctors use the digital rectal exam (DRE) as a relatively simple test to check ...
What do I need to know about prostate cancer staging? After cancer is found, your healthcare provider will assign a number called a Gleason score. The number can help you understand how quickly the cancer is likely to grow, and if it may spread: ...
What Are Normal PSA Levels? There’s no single PSA level that’s considered normal. In the past, experts considered a PSA of below 4 nanograms per milliliter normal, and many labs may still use this as a cutoff when deciding who to recommend for further testing. ...
We know that PSA is not specific for cancer, since many prostate conditions can cause a rise in PSA blood levels. We also know that an elevated PSA can lead to a conventional TRUS-guided biopsy, and that such biopsies can either miss prostate cancer or...keep reading ...
CANCER in menDISEASES in menANTIGENSTUMOR antigensPresents information on a study which investigated the prevalence of prostate cancer among men with low prostate-specific antigen levels. Methodology; Results; Practice implications.Alibhai, Shabbir M. H....
What are the benefits of prostate massage? Prostate massage — sometimes called prostate milking — provides an orgasm unlike those resulting from normal penile stimulation.2There are several reasons for this, though all the mechanisms of prostate-induced pleasure are not fully understood. ...
A relative called me from Nigeria in March. His friend was having what he described as “prostate issues”. He had consulted a doctor but my brother wanted him to consider tomatoes as well and he wanted me to talk with his friend. I called him many times but I could not...
They found that the proteins were at higher levels in the cancer patients, indicating that they could be used to screen for colon cancer without resorting to colonoscopy, Eldeeb said. "This new test showed higher accurate results than the routinely used stool-based noninvasive test, and if use...
If you have high PSA levels but biopsies don’t find cancer, a urine test known as a PCA-3 looks for cancer. This can prevent the need for repeat biopsies in some men. What Are the Treatments for Prostate Cancer? If you need treatment, your doctor will decide the type. Decisions about...
To determine your Gleason score, a pathologist will look at your prostate biopsy tissue under a microscope. They are looking to see what shape the cells are, how big they are, and what the internal structures look like. They do this because cancer cells change over time as they continue to...