The NCCN Guidelines for Prostate Cancer include recommendations for staging and risk assessment after a prostate cancer diagnosis and for the care of patients with localized, regional, recurrent, and metastatic disease. These NCCN Guidelines Insights summarize the panel's discussions for the 2024 update...
SALT LAKE CITY, Dec. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --Myriad Genetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: MYGN), a leader in genetic testing and precision medicine, today announced that its Prolaris prostate cancer prognostic test continues to be classified by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN®) as an...
“Twenty-five years of continued funding is a testament to the consistently excellent science conducted by PNW Prostate Cancer SPORE researchers,” said Fred Hutch Cancer Center prostate cancer expertPeter Nelson, MD, who heads the PNW Prostate Cancer SPORE. “Our scientists have made practice-changi...
cancer (OR: 1.28, p < 0.001) and specifically for significant prostate cancer (OR: 1.46, p < 0.001) in uni-variate analyses. However, multi-variate analyses using age, PSA, prostate volume, DRE and transrectal ultrasonography outcome, and previous biopsy (yes/no) showed that PSAV was not ...
Florida) — "More rigorous" monitoring of active surveillance and "completely revamped" systemic therapy for metastatic disease are the big changes to the prostate cancer guidelines from the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), said James Mohler, MD, chair of the NCCN prostate cancer panel...
In both cohorts, most patients underwent pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND) following the NCCN or EAU guidelines during radical prostatectomy and the patients with PLNM were identified. The urine samples from 571 cancer patients were received in the retrospective cohort with 158 excluded (due to ...
Genetic testing, to identify pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants in prostate cancer, is valuable in guiding treatment decisions for men with prostate cancer and to inform cancer prevention and early detection options for their immediate blood relati
The article discusses the changes in the British National Comprehensive Cancer Network's (NCCN) Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. It says that the drugs eribulin and eribucin were added as treatments for metastatic breast cancer. For the treatment of prostate cancer, the guideline recommended...
Prostate cancer dis-proportionately affects mortality in Black patients compared to White patients at a 2.1-fold higher death rate. However, this racial disparity is not accounted for when including patients in research.METHODS The studies referenced in the latest NCCN guidelines were evaluated for ...
Article Open access 18 October 2024 Introduction Prostate cancer mortality is highly dependent upon stage of disease, and assessment of metastatic diseases at prostate cancer diagnosis is critical for adequate treatment planning and selection between potentially morbid treatment options. Bone scan staging re...