Dong D, Zhang YJ, Li HC. Interpretation of the NCCN clinical practice guidelines in oncology for lung cancer screening (version 2.2024). Chin J Clin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2024, 31(9). doi: 10.7507/1007-4848..202407037 摘要...
2022 Prostate Cancer Early Stage Presented with support from: Available online at Ü Early-Stage Prostate Cancer Its easy to get lost in the cancer world Let NCCN Guidelines for Patients® be your guide 9 Step-by-step guides to the cancer care options likely to have...
NCCNGuidelinesVersion4.2023 Comprehensive IatieafCantents Cancer NCCNProstateCancerDmsunnion Network SYSTEMICTHERAPYFORCASTRATION-SENSITIVEPROSTATECANCER Monitortingtpreferred)| Mo*s,or ADruuu|See |Studies Systemis |Physicalexam+nogatlve Therapyfot
Florida) — "More rigorous" monitoring of active surveillance and "completely revamped" systemic therapy for metastatic disease are the big changes to the prostate cancer guidelines from the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), said James Mohler, MD, chair of the NCCN prostate cancer panel...
announced today that The National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN) Breast Cancer Panel included both goserelin 3.6 mg every 4 weeks and goserelin 10.8 mg every 12 weeks, as methods for ovarian function suppression in Version 1.2024 of the Breast Guidelin...
参考文献: NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology:Prostate Cancer(Version 1.2023). 本平台旨在为医疗卫生专业人士传递更多医学信息。本平台发布的内容,不能以任何方式取代专业的医疗指导,也不应被视为诊疗建议。如该等信息被用于了解医学信息以外的目的,本平台不承担相关责任。本平台对发布的内容,并不代表同意...
“NCCN guidelines are integral to every practice, not just for providers [as] there are a variety of new drugs that are being approved, but also for our office staff,” said Sandy Srinivas, MD, vice chair of the prostate cancer NCCN guidelines. “Having the approval and having it in the...
Updated NCCN Kidney Cancer Guidelines Bring New Recommendations for Advanced Non–Clear Cell RCC Dr McGregor on the Updated NCCN Guidelines for Non–Clear Cell RCC Dr Ornstein on the Use of IO/TKI Doublets in Non-ccRCC NCCN Updates Kidney Cancer Clinical Practice GuidelinesRelated...
“The updated NCCN Prostate Cancer Guidelines continue to solidify Prolaris' market position,” said Paul J. Diaz, President and CEO, Myriad Genetics. “While there have been certain mischaracterizations regarding the updated guidelines leading to confusion, extensive published evidence shows that Prola...