托业语法讲解Pronouns.pdf,TOEIC Grammar Guide - Pronouns Pronouns Introduction Pronounstakethe placeof nouns insentences.Pronounswork insentencesthesameway as nouns.Pronouns are used sothat nouns are not repeated.A pronoungenerally refers backto a nountha
Pronouns take the place of a person, place, or thing in sentences once the context is understood. For example: Peter enjoys walking his dog in the park. He often walks three or more miles with him. In this case, thepronouns'he' in the second sentence replaces 'Peter', and the object...
Pronoun ( 代词)Definition : pronoun ( noun) a word that takes the place of or represents a noun.Pronouns are small words that take the place of a noun. We can use a pronoun instead of a noun. Pronouns are words like: he, you, ours, themselves, some, each... If we didn't have ...
Pronounstaketheplaceofnouns.Thewordorphrasereplacedbyapronouniscalledanantecedent.antecedent Example:HalloweenisoneofAmerica'sholidays.ItiscelebratedinOctober.(Halloweenisanoun.HalloweenItisapronounthatreferstotheantecedent,Halloween.)Example:WhenRobertwasfixingthecar,hecuthishand.(Robertisanoun.HeisRobertapronoun...
What Are Pronouns? Pronouns take the place of nouns. Tim went to Tim’s house to do Tim’s chores. Tim went to his house to do his chores. Subjects and Objects Subjects take actions in a sentence. Objects take no action. Example He punched her. She told on him. ...
question 1 of 3 Pronouns take the place of a ___ in a sentence. verb noun period adverb Next Worksheet Print Worksheet 1. Subjects are the nouns doing something in the sentence. What pronoun would replace the subject in the following sentence? The football team scored a touchdown...
Demonstrative pronouns take the place of people. Demonstrative pronouns always take the place of the subject of a sentence. Demonstrative pronouns always take the place of the direct object of a sentence. 2. Which of the following French demonstrative pronouns would you use to take the place of...
Pronouns Pronouns take the place of one or more nouns and the words that describe those nouns within a sentence. Personal Pronouns Personal pronouns are used to refer to people or things. Subject Pronouns Subject pronouns are pronouns in the nominative case used as the subject of a sentence. ...
Pronouns can take the place of nouns in English sentences. Like nouns, they tell us who or what we are talking about. English pronouns may be subjects or objects within a sentence, but unlike nouns, the form of personal pronouns changes depending on their position. (Personal pronouns are ...
Pronouns take the place of a noun. 'I', 'he' and 'we' are examples of personal pronouns. It's a good idea to use them to avoid repetition in your English writing. Play this quiz on pronouns and if you get full marks, see if you can match your score in the next quiz!1...