b/ Pronouns.hour/aua/he she iitA pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun.He takes the place of a boy or a man's name.She takes the place of a girl or a woman's name.It takes the place of an animal or a thing.Peter-heMary shebook itUse pronoun he, she or itin...
PRONOUN TAKESthe place of a noun in a sentence when the noun repeated more than once. IncorrectCallDavid. I must speak toDavid. CorrectCallDavid. I must speak tohim. More Definition : The noun represented by a pronoun is called its antecedent. The word ante means "before," and cede mean...
A pronoun takes the place of a noun and must agree with it in number (singular or plural), case (subject or object), gender (male or female), and person. Person shows whether the noun is speaking (I, we), spoken to (you), or spoken about (he, she, it, they). Choose...
A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. Pronouns can do all of the things that nouns can do. They can be subjects, direct objects, indirect objects, object of the preposition, and more. Hey, the wordpronouneven has the word noun in it! Examples:he, she, it, they, so...
The Function of Pronouns In general, a pronoun takes the place of a noun in a sentence. This allows for quicker speech and lets you avoid the awkwardly formal use of someone’s name over and over again. For example: Susan likes to drink her juice slowly when she has the time. ...
/ju:sfal/hour/aua/b/Pronouns.he she itA pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun.He takes the place of a boy or a man's name.She takes the place of a girl or a woman's name.It takes the place of an animal or a thing.PeterheMary-→shebook→itUse pronoun he,she ...
Demonstrative pronoun => takes the place of a noun Demonstrative adjective => modifies a nounThis was an overview of the demonstrative pronoun. Now that you understand, it is time to practice! Get our ESL Books.Get Updates, Special Offers, and English Resources Download your FREE GIFT (the...
Pronouns are a part of speech that takes the place of a noun. There are several different types of pronouns including object, subject, and possessive. Answer and Explanation: Learn more about this topic: Pronouns | Definition, Types & Uses ...
A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence. It is used to avoid repetition and make sentences more concise. For example, instead of saying “John went to John’s house,” you can say “John went to his house.” The word “his” is a pronoun that takes the...
InEnglish grammar, apronounis a word that takes the place of anoun,noun phrase, ornoun clause. The pronoun is one of the traditionalparts of speech. A pronoun can function as asubject,object, orcomplementin a sentence. Unlike nouns, pronouns rarely allowmodification. Pronouns are aclosed wor...