Common features of typical APL include promyeloctyes with kidney-shaped or bilobed nuclei, cytoplasm densely packed with large granules, bundles of Auer rods in the cytoplasm, larger Auer rods than other types of AML, strongly positive myeloperoxidase reaction in all leukocytes, and only occasional...
Agranulocytosis with arrested maturation at the promyelocyte stage may be confused for APL; however, in agranulocytosis the patient's platelet count and hemoglobin are typically normal, the bone marrow is not hypercellular, and Auer rods are not observed. Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia: A Review ...
Common features of typical APL include promyelocytes with kidney-shaped or bilobed nuclei, cytoplasm densely packed with large granules, bundles of Auer rods in the cytoplasm, larger Auer rods than other types of AML, strongly positive myeloperoxidase reaction in all leukocytes, and only occasional...
Figure 33.1.Diagnostic testing in AML. (A) The presence of leukemic blasts in blood or bone marrow aspirate is typically the first step in establishing a diagnosis of AML. The presence of certain morphologic features is characteristic of some AML subtypes, such as Auer rods in APL (shown wit...
Fig. 1.Abnormal promyelocytes, peripheral blood (left), and bone marrow (right) with nuclear sliding plate morphology (left) and Auer rods (right,arrow) [Wright-Giemsa stained]. In addition to microgranular and hypergranular variants of APL, there are rare variants defined by variant transloc...