Prompt Engineering领域现已经支持for循环、if-else等,这意味着新的编程范式已经来临。Prompt工程正在迅速发展,越来越多的编程范式正在被应用于Prompt编程中。例如,现在已经支持for循环、if-else等编程结构,这使得Prompt编程更加灵活、高效。这也意味着,新的编程范式已经来临,未来Prompt编程将成为一种非常重要的编程方式。
router_chain = LLMRouterChain.from_llm(llm, router_prompt) # 创建 else 场景 # 创建一个默认的LLMChain实例,作为上述匹配未命中时的默认调用目标,避免调用最终没有逻辑去处理的情况出现 # 上述的匹配规则可以看成一组if elif的逻辑匹配规则,default作为最后的else负责处理所有未命中的情况 default_prompt = Cha...
“You are an assistant designed to extract entities from text. Users will paste in a string of text and you will respond with entities you've extracted from the text as aJSONobject. Here's an example of your output format: 这个消息定义了助手的一个非常具体的功能:从文本中提取实体,并明确了...
Each subquestion should be self-contained with all the information necessary to solve it. This is because I’ll be showing someone else the subquestion without showing them the original problem and they need be able to solve the subquestion with only the information and context of the sub...
found any datafound_data=notbubble_thorn_plant_data.empty# If found, we'll analyze the height dataiffound_data:# Summary statistics of height to understand the range and average heightheight_stats=bubble_thorn_plant_data['高度(cm)'].describe()else:height_stats="No data found for 泡泡刺...
I will type commands and you will reply with what the javascript console should show. I want you to only reply with the terminal output inside one unique code block, and nothing else. do not write explanations. do not type commands unless I instruct you to do so. when I need to tell ...
if "instruction" in item and len(item["instruction"]) > 0: system = item["instruction"] else: system = dummy_message["system"] system = B_SYS + system + E_SYS # add system before the first content in conversations item["conversations"][0]['value'] = system + item["conversations"...
Customize your WSL prompt with Oh My PoshOh My Posh also allows you to customize WSL prompts using built-in themes.Install Oh My Posh for WSLWe recommend installing Oh My Posh for WSL, whether using Bash, Zsh, or something else, by following the Linux install guide in the Oh My Posh ...
Customize your WSL prompt with Oh My PoshOh My Posh also allows you to customize WSL prompts using built-in themes.Install Oh My Posh for WSLWe recommend installing Oh My Posh for WSL, whether using Bash, Zsh, or something else, by following the Linux install guide in the Oh My Posh ...
if ! is-at-least 5.2; then print -P "%Bspaceship-prompt%b requires at least %Bzsh v5.2%b (you have %Bv$ZSH_VERSION%b)." print -P "Please upgrade your zsh installation." fi # This variable is a magic variable used when loading themes with zsh's prompt # function. It wil...