if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Mobile)) { Console.WriteLine("[-] WeChatMobile: Maybe User Is No Binding Mobile"); } else { Console.WriteLine("[+] WeChatMobile: " + Program.GetMobile(WeChatProcess.Handle, (IntPtr)WeChatMobile, 100)); } Int64 WeChatMail = (Int64)Program.We...
1.#if常量表达式//...#endif//常量表达式由预处理器求值。如: #define __DEBUG__1#if__DEBUG__//..#endif2.多个分支的条件编译 #if常量表达式//...#elif 常量表达式//...#else//...#endif3.判断是否被定义 #ifdefined(symbol)#ifdef symbol #if!defined(symbol)#ifndef symbol4.嵌套指令 #ifdefin...
TheIf (IF)command is used to state a condition that, if true, specifies a statement or group of statements in the program or procedure to be run. TheElse (ELSE)command can be used with theIFcommand to specify a statement or group of statements to be run if the condition expressed by ...
)会用到这个环境变量 cmake的交叉编译工具链文件定义如下: n32g45x.toolchain.cmake # toolchain for Nationstech.N32G45X INCLUDE(...) elseif(CROSS_COMPILER_PREFIX) set(_compiler_prefix ${CROSS_COMPILER_PREFIX}) else() find_program..." cr LINK_FLAGS> ") SET(CMAKE_C...
if(CryptAcquireContext( &hCryptProv, // address for handle to be returned NULL, // use the current user's logon name NULL, // use the default provider PROV_RSA_FULL, // provider type 0)) // zero allows access to private keys { printf("Context CSP acquired. \n"); } else { if ...
(fp2,0,SEEK_SET);// check for the total number of bytesif(cnt1!=cnt2){printf("\nFile contents are not same\n");}else{while(!feof(fp1)){if(fgetc(fp1)!=fgetc(fp2)){flg=1;break;}}if(flg)printf("\nFile contents are not same.\n");elseprintf("\nFile contents are same.\n"...
if ( \(\delta \) ) then c=d else c=e can be expressed in an MILP as follows: $$\begin{aligned} d-M(1 - \delta )&\le c \le&d + M (1 - \delta ) \end{aligned}$$ (3) $$\begin{aligned} e - M \delta&\le c \le&e + M \delta \end{aligned}$$ (4) $$\be...
2019-12-19 19:07 −Shell也支持两种分支结构(选择结构),分别是 if else 语句和 case in 语句。当分支较多,并且判断条件比较简单时,使用 case in 语句就比较方便了。 if else 语句与case in语句的对比 脚本 易错点与知识点 if else语句 #...
3-2、IF 基本: if(逻辑判断式)then...end if 如果then后面只有一句,可写为: if(逻辑判断式) ... !then和end if可省略 多重判断: if(条件1)then...elseif(条件2)then...elseif(条件3)then...else...end if 嵌套: if(逻辑判断式)thenif...
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int i = 0x12345678; if (*((char*)&i) == 0x12) cout << "大端" << endl; else cout << "小端" << endl; return 0; }各架构处理器的字节序x86(Intel、AMD)、MOS Technology 6502、Z80、VAX、PDP-11 等处理器为小端序; Motorola...