2.增生期子宫内膜(proliferative phase of endometrium ) 与正常月经周期中的增生期内膜无区别,只是在月经周期后半期甚至 …jpk.gxmu.edu.cn|基于5个网页 2. 子宫内膜增殖期 子宫内膜增... ... ) proliferative phase of endometrium 子宫内膜增殖期 ) proliferative stage of endometrium 增殖期子宫内膜 ... ww...
Endometrium in the proliferative phase (ultrasound scan)Ilkka Järvelä
aIn the late proliferative(periovulatory) phase, the endometrium develops a multilayered appearance with an echogenic basa llayer and hypoechoic inner func tionallayer, separated by a thin echogenic median layer arising from the central interface or luminal content(Fig4). 在proliferative (periovulatory...
aThe endometrium is usually best seen on endovaginal scans. Endometrial thickness is measured from echogenic border to echogenic border across the endometrial cavity on a sagittal midline image. Intraluminal blood or sheets of sloughed endometria may be identified. Once the proliferative phase of the...
From day 5 of menstrual cycle to the time of ovulation, the endometrium is at the A. Proliferative phase B. Menstrual phase C. Secretory phase
Global gene expression profiling of proliferative phase endometrium reveals distinct functional subdivisions. Reprod. Sci. 2012; 19 :1138–1145.Petracco RG, Kong A, Grechukhina O, Krikun G, Taylor HS. Global gene expression profiling of proliferative phase endometrium reveals distinct functional ...
Global gene expression profiling of proliferative phase endometrium reveals distinct functional subdivisions. Reprod Sci 2012;19(10):1138-45.Petracco RG, Kong A, Grechukhina O, Krikun G, Taylor HS. Global gene expression profiling of proliferative phase endometrium reveals distinct functional ...
The semaphorins are related to angiogenesis and cell proliferation depending on the tissue. The purpose of this study was to assess gene expression of class 3 semaphorin (SEMA3A-F) and protein expression of semaphorin 3A (SEMA3A) within human endometrium throughout the menstrual cycle.Ferreira, ...
W. HongyangElsevier Inc.Fertility & SterilityLocal injury of the proliferative phase endometrium substantially increases the ER expression in following secretory phase endometrium. Li R,Wang R,Zhou L, et al. Fertility and Sterility . 2008Local injury of the proliferative phase endometrium substantially...
(1989) Difference in lectin binding patterns of normal human endometrium between proliferative and secretory phase. Histochemistry 92, 177–84. View ArticleAoki D , Kawakami H , Nozawa S , Udagawa Y , Iizuka R , Hirano H . 1989 . Differences in lectin binding patterns of normal human ...