Created with Sketch. Share status Each card has a unique URL, making it easy to share and discuss individual tasks with your team. Created with Sketch. Wrap up After you wrap up your work, close your project board to remove it from your active projects list. On to the next project!©...
When does multi-task learning make sense? Training on a set of tasks that could benefit from having shared lower-level features. Usually: Amount of data you have for each task is quite similar Can train a big enough neural network to do well on all the tasks....
Transfer learning is a supplement to, not a replacement for, other learning techniques that form the backbone of most data science practices. Typically, a data scientist relies on transfer learning to tap into statistical knowledge that was gained on prior projects through supervised, semi-supervised...
While building a machine learning model, you initialize neuron weights randomly. With transfer learning, instead of initializing the model with random weights, we use weights from a pre-trained model as initializers and then you can train the model on your dataset. This approach helps to adapt t...
Deep transfer learningAdversarial domain adaptationRock engineeringSignal recognitionSemi-supervised learningSTABILITYDeep neural networks have achieved great success in microseismic event recognition tasks in rock engineering. However, a well-trained model on one project may not deliver satisfactory results on ...
2.7 迁移学习(Transfer learning) 有的时候神经网络可以从一个任务中习得知识, 并将这些知识应用到另一个独立的任务中。 你从数据量很多的问题迁移到数据量相对小的问题。反过来的话,迁移学习可能就没有意义了。迁移学习可能不会有害,但也别指望这么做可以带来有意义的增益。
[2024-02-05]:SLDwas accepted by ICASSP 2024. It introduces SLD: a novel approach which applies a KL divergence loss with smoothed labels on speech tokens for Discrete-token-based ASR. [2023-10-23]:Dittowas accepted by EMNLP 2023. It introduces Ditto: a learning-free approach that uses mo...
Lecture 8 Solution :Transfer Learning for Image classification on complex dataset Section 5: Project 5. Image Captioning using GANs Lecture 9 Problem : Image Captioning using GANs Lecture 10 Solution : Image Captioning using GANs Part1 Lecture 11 Solution : Image Captioning using GANs Part2 ...
Segment Any Point Cloud Sequences (SAM for self-supervised learning on large-scale 3D point clouds) Repo ArXiv Page Segment-Any-Anomaly (SAM + GroudingDINO for anomaly detection)Repo Segment and Track Anything (SAM-Track) Repo ArXiv Inpaint/Remove/Fill-Anything (image inpainting meets sam)...
Using simpleTransformer on common NLP applications Explore Language Modeling, Named Entity Recognition, Question Answering with distilbert from the simpleTransformer library.Ayush Chaurasia Transfer Learning with EfficientNet family of models Learn to use the EfficientNet family of models for transfer learning...