Project Zomboid is the ultimate in zombie survival. Alone or in MP: you loot, build, craft, fight, farm and fish in a struggle to survive. A hardcore RPG skillset, a vast map, massively customisable sandbox and a cute tutorial raccoon await the unwary. S
只记录重点,其他都有文字解释的没啥好记录的。 设置文件默认位置:"C:\Users\Administrator\Zomboid\Server" steam设置:这页别动就行,udp16262会导致有些人进服显示服务器16262端口未开放,不影响。 备份:可以改成1,然后去掉下面两个勾。这样每次开服时可以省掉备份时间,缺点就是你没服务器文件备份了,不能回档。
另一种办法就是打开Project Zomboid Dedicated Server\steamapps\workshop\content\108600文件夹,找到需要更新的对应mod文件夹删除。然后记事本编辑在Project Zomboid Dedicated Server\steamapps\workshop文件夹下的appworkshop_108600.acf,查找对应mod的代码删除保存,然后启动服务器即可,他会自动下载更新mod。(这一步我不...
Project Zomboid的4-Pack版本是Steam商店中的一款特殊组合包,价格相对较高。详细解释如下:Project Zomboid是一款受欢迎的末日生存模拟游戏。4-Pack版本是一个组合包,包含了这款游戏以及其他一些相关内容和优惠。首先,这个组合包中的游戏本身价格就高于标准版。作为一款生存模拟游戏,Project Zomboid有着丰富...
A mod for Project Zomboid that I started thinking "this will be easy" after forgetting that despite being a software engineer, I haven't seen LUA since the times in which World of Warcraft raiding was Molten Core and never really worked with it. Having said that, it has been a fun smal...
B41 currently uses the root directory of the workshop files as the mod: it contains a media directory and all the rest that allows the mod to override files in the core zomboid data directory. B42, meanwhile, instead introduces a functionality where a build of the game will query the mod...
表示Steam商店的Project Zomboid 4-Pack是什么。。怎么这么贵 只看楼主收藏回复 丶X55 枕头 7 DLC?49.99美元啊,太贵了 送TA礼物 1楼2014-08-28 17:06回复 半夏微涼丶柒染 速食罐头 9 Project Zomboid 4-Pack4-Pack = 四份游戏。 3楼2014-08-28 17:08 收起回复 ...
Project Zo..冬季特卖,project zomboid只需28元(一顿饭钱),如果你喜欢这款游戏,不如买个steam正版来玩我已收入囊中
It's a great zombie survival game with a massive modding support thanks to steam workshop. 1 month ago ► Multiplayer Overall (online):Good I don't think that's a Linux issue, more with the game itself, but it's worth mentioning here. Native Distro:Linux Mint 22 Kernel:6.8.0-50-...
if u want a first person zomboid try zombie panic source, co-op horror, free on steam 2 years ago Reply Anonymous >ZPS chad is back 2 years ago Reply Anonymous this game has like 50 people playing it, is that enough for lobbies online?