“Project Zomboid is a much more ambitious game than we could ever have hoped to fund ourselves. It has grown massively over the years, and it’s been a rollercoaster, but we now find ourselves in a stable financial situation with an overall positive reaction from the Steam community. We ...
Project Zomboid is the ultimate in zombie survival. Alone or in MP: you loot, build, craft, fight, farm and fish in a struggle to survive. A hardcore RPG skillset, a vast map, massively customisable sandbox and a cute tutorial raccoon await the unwary. S
此方法可临时备用,静待MOD大神修复!重生之我在游戏里用生活经验苟活末日 《Project Zomboid》(《僵尸毁灭工程》)是一款像素风开放世界俯视角末日生存游戏,游戏虽然画面不怎么样,但是凭借“真实”的玩法,让游戏在发售十几年至今,依然能在steam有着22万份评价94%的“特别好评”!这是许多游戏都很难做到的,更何...
【僵尸毁灭工程】 背包推荐-超实用背包Top6 好用的背包要去哪找? Steam Project Zomboid 🍛咖蛋游戏实况 最好用的背包排名 咖蛋日常影片 3.1万 26 僵尸毁灭工程多人联机问题 | ProjectZomboid B41 | 人物加点服务器设置问题 溜肉段Eli 1.6万 0 展开...
《Project Zomboid》(《僵尸毁灭工程》)是一款像素风开放世界俯视角末日生存游戏,游戏虽然画面不怎么样,但是凭借“真实”的玩法,让游戏在发售十几年至今,依然能在steam有着22万份评价94%的“特别好评”!这是许多游戏都很难做到的,更何况游戏本身制作并不精美,就如同上面说的字体放大都至今没完全实装,就这还能获得这...
《Project Zomboid》的字体相当的小,设置里的放大字体就是笑话,玩家很容易把眼睛玩废,本来游戏开放了“创意工坊”,上面也的确有着字体放大神器“简体中文大字体”等mod的存在,可惜年久失修,不能使用了!经过多方查找,寻得一法,用来给各位又爱玩又怕瞎的小伙伴们使用:进游戏前在桌面把“显示设置”-“缩放与布局”...
不是一定要追求什么特效,建模,那些看起来画面很好的所谓3A烂作也有很多,游戏首先还是要好玩。还有就是优化,毕竟是小团队制作,优化能做到这样已经很不容易了,同屏能有那么多僵尸和物品建筑掉帧什么的也是可以理解,但是还是希望越做越好吧。该作在steam上名字为《Project Zomboid》,目前是抢先体验版~
打开已安装的Steam客户端,并登录你的账号。在Steam的搜索栏中输入"Project Zomboid",然后点击搜索按钮。在搜索结果中找到"Project Zomboid"游戏,并点击进入游戏页面。在游戏页面上,你会看到一个"Add to Cart"(添加到购物车)按钮。点击该按钮。确认你的购物车中是否有"Project Zomboid",然后点击"Purchase for ...
Project Zo..冬季特卖,project zomboid只需28元(一顿饭钱),如果你喜欢这款游戏,不如买个steam正版来玩我已收入囊中
“Project Zomboid is a much more ambitious game than we could ever have hoped to fund ourselves. It has grown massively over the years, and it’s been a rollercoaster, but we now find ourselves in a stable financial situation with an overall positive reaction from the Steam community. We ...