他设置中会添加一种超大容量箱子,不想要可以在沙盒设置里关闭。如果出现容量不正常的情况,在设置里有一个叫respawn的选项,勾上,在游戏里respawn一下背包,就可以刷新容量了。 Water Dispenser 饮水机模组,允许你把饮水机的桶搬下来用,或者给已经用完的饮水机换桶。这个桶容量250,满载重量20。不仅仅可以装水,还可以...
设置文件默认位置:"C:\Users\Administrator\Zomboid\Server" steam设置:这页别动就行,udp16262会导致有些人进服显示服务器16262端口未开放,不影响。 备份:可以改成1,然后去掉下面两个勾。这样每次开服时可以省掉备份时间,缺点就是你没服务器文件备份了,不能回档。 创意工坊插件设置:如果用ModManager Sever的话,这...
To not be killed is the name of the game and by having one of Project Zomboid's Best Armor, you may get lucky with your life.
For the AMP community to share Generic Module templates. - AMPTemplates/project-zomboidconfig.json at 17e2758d9293d3839d25648375dc4f41f23a477e · CubeCoders/AMPTemplates
今天在AppStore里发现了一个很好用的手机应用:Project Zomboid ... 分享162 僵尸毁灭工程吧 马镇建家伟业👻 小人无限“复活”mod 再也不用因为小人死亡 技能点全丢而懊恼这个mod昨天找到的 名字叫 Death is not end 翻译过来 就是 死亡不是结束之前用一个叫Project zomboid Respawn 的mod 这个不知什么原因 ...
I wish there were a remake of TS1 with modern technology. Zomboid shows the style can still look good 3 years ago Reply Anonymous But the sex mod won't be as good 🙁 3 years ago Reply Anonymous Where the frick is the zomboid sex mods? I wanna capture a zombie and use it as a...
据网友爆料,Atlus神秘新作《Project Pen》日前通过了澳大利亚分级系统评级。据以有信息显示,这款游戏是在“多平台”媒体类型下列出的(这是指的是主机游戏,而不是多平台游戏),由美国世嘉发行,同时它的开发地被列为美国,而Atlus游戏通常被列为来自日本。
SE去年公布了全新游戏“Project Athia”,在今日的直播发布会上,该游戏展示了新的视频,并且公布。游戏将于,女主角“Frey Holland”由埃拉·巴林斯卡扮演(2019《霹雳娇娃》中珍·卡诺的演员),要使用魔法能力在残酷而美丽的世界中生存。 女主角的演员Ella Balisnka ...
“Firstly, I would to thank the Project Zomboid community for the great feedback and suggestions! I put the first version on the workshop because my friends wanted the mod for their server, so some features were missing such as being able to remove vegetation (which is now added). The su...
Anyone jumping into Project Zomboid for the first time might be inclined to pick any of the presets the game has for a playthrough. However, you can customize your sandbox experience as you see fit. From making zombies respawn faster to stopping them from reappearing altogether and even ...