Tenma Tsukasa (天(てん)馬(ま) 司(つかさ)), Tenma Tsukasa is a third-year student at Kamiyama High School. He is a member of the musical show unit Wonderlands x Showtime. Tsukasa's mother is a piano teacher and his father is the executive of a company.[1]
Project SEKAI Wiki is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Discover, share and add your knowledge!Trending articles Event List Gacha List Akiyama Mizuki You are my HERO!! Akiyama Mizuki/Cards Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE!
From time to time, Sekai Project will be attending in-person events. The information below will be updated regularly with the events we will be attending each year as well information on booth location, panels and much more. If you are a convention runner and are interested in having us att...
For the first time since 2015, Sekai Project is back in Japan for Tokyo Game Show. This news post will cover the games we will be promoting at this year’s event. Tokyo Game Show September 26 – 29, 2024 Chiba, Japan https://tgs.nikkeibp.co.jp/tgs/2024/en/ Booth Information Locatio...
Telegram Bot for Project Sekai (JP) bottelegramtelegram-botaiogramproject-sekaipjskprsk UpdatedJul 6, 2024 Python xfl03/SekaiEventPredictor Star5 Event predictor for game Project SEKAI. typescriptopenfaasproject-sekai UpdatedAug 18, 2022 TypeScript ...
活动分数(event point) 观看剧情故事 卡池·商店(俗称不氪金玩不了) 声援点数(live point,即在线上演唱会送出的虚拟礼物换算的点数) 观看MV次数 如何选择? 先下结论: 要保证能够完成任务卡是最重要的!其奖励的大头部分都在后面几个小任务和完成任务奖励上。
On August 11, Suzuki held the Suzuki Airi FC Event Dai 1kai Airi Mania Kai ~Budokan Otsukare / A Sou Ieba 24sai Omedetou~ to celebrate her 24th birthday and the completion of her first solo Nippon Budokan concert. On August 26, Suzuki and Up Up Girls (2) member Kajishima Aya formed...
For EN players, you can check https://sekai.best/event to get a rough idea of what future 4* cards your oshi has. Limiteds come with hairstyles; there is typically a limited banner occurring once per month. In all servers, this is the end-of-month event. If you just want 4*s...
活动分数(event point) 观看剧情故事 卡池·商店(俗称不氪金玩不了) 声援点数(live point,即在线上演唱会送出的虚拟礼物换算的点数) 观看MV次数 如何选择? 先下结论: 要保证能够完成任务卡是最重要的!其奖励的大头部分都在后面几个小任务和完成任务奖励上。