Current Project Sekai events These are all of the events happening in the EN version of Project Sekai right now. These events are available for a limited time only, so be sure to take part before they expire! Lead With Courage and Kindness event and after show ...
Current Project SEKAI Wiki Others Like You Viewed Project SEKAI Wiki Tenma Tsukasa Akiyama Mizuki/Cards Hatsune Miku You are my HERO!! Top Pages this Week Event List 1 Gacha List 2 Akiyama Mizuki 3 Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! 4 With Your Sights on Stardom, Set Sail! 5 Advertisement...
Sekai Project: 10 Years in the Gaming Industry Friday, August 11th, 1:00 PM in Panel Room 512CDGH Join Sekai Project as we celebrate 10 years of publishing visual novels in the West. From CLANNAD, NEKOPARA, the 9-nine- series and many other titles, we’ve been involved with the publi...
Project SEKAI Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. View Full Site 本网站使用Cookie Fandom以及其合作伙伴在网站上将使用Cookie等技术储存和收集来自您浏览器的信息,进而定制化内容和广告,提供社交媒体功能,以及分析网站流量。 如我们的隐私政策所述,点击下面的“同意”后,您将同意我们使用此类Cookie和技术。如果同意,...
Come join Sekai Project as we take a look at the current industry, discuss our new and current projects, what the future holds for us and Q&A if time permits. Expect random banter, our boss facepalming a dozen times and perhaps a new announcement or two. We’ll also have some giveaways...
On August 11, Suzuki held the Suzuki Airi FC Event Dai 1kai Airi Mania Kai ~Budokan Otsukare / A Sou Ieba 24sai Omedetou~ to celebrate her 24th birthday and the completion of her first solo Nippon Budokan concert. On August 26, Suzuki and Up Up Girls (2) member Kajishima Aya formed...
[2009.07.15] Sekai wa Futari no Tame ni (世界は二人のために; The World Exists for the Two of Us) (Sagara Naomi cover; with Michishige Sayumi, Kusumi Koharu, and Mitsui Aika) [2010.03.17] Osaka Umainen (大阪 美味いねん; Osaka Is Delicious) (with Mitsui Aika and Linlin)DVDs...
Creator of incidental and background music for the perennially popular animated movie Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni (In This Corner of the World), Kotringo won the 40th Japan Academy Film Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Music, the 71st Mainichi Film Awards for Best Music, and Best Music ...
nekohasekai committed Nov 6, 2022 Verified 1 parent 0ad1bbe commit 1f63ce5 Showing 6 changed files with 63 additions and 17 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified adapter router.go outbound hysteria.go ssh.go wireguard.go route router.go transport/wireguard client_bind.go ...
Come join Sekai Project as we discuss our current and upcoming projects. There will be a discussion on the current state of the industry as well as a Q&A session if time permits. There may be giveaways as well! Sekai Productions Panel Friday, July 26th, 11:00 AM in Panel Room 4 (...