创建「project library」为「DRPS18BetaTestLibrary」。 (3)进入主界面后,顶部为菜单栏;次顶部左侧为服务器名称,点击名称左侧的「x」后会关闭DaVinci Resolve Project Server,右侧为服务器用户管理入口;下方左侧为项目库列表,右侧为选中项目库的项目列表。 图2-1 DaVinci Resolve Project Server主界面 (4)用户管理...
Hi, I just started using the davinci resolve project server, and I discovered a weird issue. I'm using version 18.5, and when I make a database on my Macbook, I can connect it to my PC and I can create a project and it shows up on both ends. The problem is when I try to ...
DaVinci Resolve Project Server 解析 1. 什么是DaVinci Resolve的Project Server? DaVinci Resolve Project Server(简称DRPS)是Blackmagic Design公司为其旗舰视频编辑软件DaVinci Resolve开发的一个专业视频制作协作平台。DRPS旨在通过分布式架构和高效的数据传输机制,实现多用户在线协作,提高视频制作团队的协作效率和项目...
---version:'3.8'x-common:database:&db-environmentPOSTGRES_DB:databasePOSTGRES_USER:&pg-user postgresPOSTGRES_PASSWORD:DaVinciTZ:America/ChicagoPOSTGRES_LOCATION:&db-location "???:/var/lib/postgresql/data"backup:&backup-environmentSCHEDULE:"@daily"BACKUP_KEEP_DAYS:7BACKUP_KEEP_WEEKS:4BACKUP_KEEP_...
Capabilities of DaVinci Resolve Studio on various platforms Codec Software IQSV NVENC AVC Windows Yes Yes Yes AVC Linux No Yes Yes AVC macOS (Intel or M1) Yes No* No* HEVC Windows No Yes Yes HEVC Linux No Yes Yes HEVC macOS (Intel or M1) Yes No* No* *On macOS (Intel) and macO...
The Resolve default is "postgres" POSTGRES_PASSWORD Password you will use to connect to your database. The Resolve default is "DaVinci" TZ Your timezone, here is a list POSTGRES_LOCATION Location your database will be stored. See Volume Locations Backups To configure the backups, we'll ...
Hi everyone. I am trying to render a project i have been working on in davinci resolve, and when it gets to 33% completed, it comes up with an error saying 'Render Job failed as the current clip could not be processed' it then says 'the fusion compositio
www.metafide.com - DaVinci Resolve™ Apps Dwaine Maggart Blackmagic Design Posts:12600 Joined:Wed Aug 22, 2012 2:53 pm Re: Remote Network Project server with a twist Fri Jul 22, 2022 11:46 pm You should be able to use the Network Project Library area of Resolve 18 to create a data...
The UserVoice system has no Adobe responses, and a pile of comments from people deciding to try Davinci Resolve for there post solution in this thread that's almost half a year old for a bug that's been around for over a year and half... Bug - Audio effect settin...
DaVinci Resolve Theme3.0 Default Yami OBS theme, recolored with DaVinci Resolve colors. INSTALLATION: 1. Extract to ***\obs-studio\data\obs-studio\themes 2. Settings > General > DaVinci Resolve GOLDEN_WOLF Resource Feb 6, 2023 davinciresolve ...