Exporting Project Archive - Media Pool Problems Thu Dec 23, 2021 11:12 am Hi, Super newbie here in regards to Da Vinci Resolve. I have a few projects set up, which I'd like to Archive. Some for the purpose of safe keeping, and some I can revisit when required. ...
This software was primarily aimed towards the Linux ecosystem but now it is completely multiplatform and it is quite more than a valid option (might not be as polished as DaVinci Resolve but it's FOSS and doesn't lock features behind a paywall). winget install -e --id KDE.Kdenlive hoco...
refuse to fix. Early versions did not suffer this problem. It was introduced - and can be reverted. Other software - large, small, open source, closed, don't suffer this problem - Firefox, MS Word, Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, ffmpeg, Da Vinci Resolve, ... This the latest MacOS...
I have 5 supposedly active projects I have created. The first one is in red with a check mark in front of it(This one I can't delete). The others are in white and have the davinci resolve icon in front of them, and these ones I can delete. What am I not getting here? Why is...
I have spent the last few days looking for a way to rollback my system but that won't work, I managed to uncover a project.db file from the project I wish to work with, though placing it in the directory (C:\ProgramData\Blackmagic Design\DaVinci Resolve\Support\Resolve Disk Database\...