报错信息不完整,但从给出的部分来看,这个错误与Webpack的进度插件(Progress Plugin)有关。ValidationError: Progress Plugin Invalid 表明进度插件配置无效或者不正确。 解决方法: 检查Webpack配置文件中是否正确引入并配置了进度插件。确保进度插件的使用方法符合最新版本的Webpack要求。 如果你正在使用一个构建工具如Webpac...
在vue-cli4升级到vue-cli5的时候出现这个错误。 详细错误信息如下: ERROR ValidationError: Progress Plugin Invalid Options options should NOT have additional properties options should NOT have additional properties options should NOT have additional properties options should pass"instanceof"keyword validation opt...
ValidationError: Progress Plugin Invalid Options 两种问题 1、可能原因!! 注意看一下你之前的版本是vue2 还是vue3 如果是vue2的话 你执行npm install -g yarn或者npm i -D vue,他可能会自动帮你升级为vue3, 而在vue3和vue2对比当中, main.js的配置是不一样的 运行提示有一个警告 并且提示你在main.js当...
针对您遇到的 ValidationError: Progress Plugin Invalid Options 错误,我们可以根据错误信息的上下文和提供的参考信息,采取以下步骤来解决问题: 1. 确认错误信息的上下文 这个错误通常出现在使用Webpack构建项目时,特别是当Webpack的Progress Plugin(进度插件)配置不正确时。此错误表明Progress Plugin的配置项不符合其要求的...
Support Options For any issues you might encounter while working with the Kendo UI for Vue DropDowns, use any of the available support channels: Industry-leading technical support—Kendo UI for Vue paid license holders and users with an active (free) trial license can take advantage of our ou...
<vue-ellipse-progress :progress="progress"/> The progress is the only required property. However, in order to create unique circles that match your design needs, you can use all the properties explained below. This table below provides a quick overview over all available options. To gain more...
$core: support array as plugin options (#1493) (9e07b1e) @Shigma $markdown: markdown plugin (close: #585) (#1422) (9734a58) @Shigma $plugin-register-components: custom name registration (close: #656) (#1418) (9c6a00b) @Shigma Breaking Changes Deprecated @vuepress/plugin-container ...
"@headlessui/vue": "^1.7.10", "@babel/types": "^7.21.2", "@headlessui/vue": "^1.7.11", "@heroicons/vue": "^2.0.16", "@tailwindcss/typography": "^0.5.9", "@types/node": "^18.14.0", "@types/node": "^18.14.1", "@vitejs/plugin-vue": "^4.0.0", "autoprefixer":...
运行提示有一个警告 并且提示你在main.js当中 那要留意提下脚手架和Vue版本问题 export'default'(importedas'Vue') was not foundin'vue' 遇到上面这个问题的前提是你安装好了yarn 只需要在运行yarn install就可以了成功!!! 解决方法: 我也不是很清楚yarn是什么 详细可参考 ...