hi for Hindi, fr for French, bn for Bengali, ar for Arabic, etc. Use this link to create a new file in lib/i18n/community/ called strings_XX.i18n.yaml where XX is your locale code. Copy the contents of an existing file like lib/i18n/strings.i18n.yaml and replace the translations ...
On the flip side, the high non-specific protein affinity results in significant off-target effects, meaning biological outcomes that are caused by interactions other than that on the targeted gene [18], [19]. Biological investigations and the clinical evaluation of mipomersen and other antisense ...
As stated above, the increase in film thickness closely followed the increase in surface conductivity, meaning that surface conductivity mirrors the increasing counter ion concentration in the PAA film, a process that leads to increased osmotic pressure and enhanced film swelling. Polymers 2016, 8, ...