hi for Hindi, fr for French, bn for Bengali, ar for Arabic, etc. Use this link to create a new file in lib/i18n/community/ called strings_XX.i18n.yaml where XX is your locale code. Copy the contents of an existing file like lib/i18n/strings.i18n.yaml and replace the translations ...
On the flip side, the high non-specific protein affinity results in significant off-target effects, meaning biological outcomes that are caused by interactions other than that on the targeted gene [18], [19]. Biological investigations and the clinical evaluation of mipomersen and other antisense ...
Finally, we report in Figure 2D the impact of the interfacial film diffuseness α (see Equation (2), and insert in Figure 2D) on streaming current Istr for various 1{λo values at fixed (monovalent) electrolyte concentration (c " 1 mM). It is stressed that variations in α lead to ...