Most Ruby developers love the RubyGems that can reduce the development time and write excess code. Ruby's best and easiest thing on Rails development like MVC pattern for highly-functional apps and convention over configuration makes it reliable and scalable. There are some pitfalls ofRuby on ...
更宁愿叫它《Programming and Thinking in Ruby》 在学习Ruby之前一直都不知道Dave Thomas这个人,学习Ruby时,在书店选中了这本书,读完之后就觉得学习Ruby on Rails时也继续读Dave Thomas的书了。 <<Programming Ruby>>是一本很好的入门书籍,同时也是很好的参考工具书籍。有对Ruby基本语法的阐述和使用方法。更重要的...
Ruby on Rails can examine two separate areas: The concepts such as design patterns, general attitude principles like DRY and CoC, or even agility, etc fall under the general concepts. They are the principles behind many designs in Rails. Any of these concepts can be studied independently of ...
锻造这柄镐头的是两位大名鼎鼎的“实用主义程序员”Dave Thomas和Andy Hunt,这两位撰写过一系列C++/Java/.NET技术图书的开发者最终选择用Ruby on Rails来开发他们自己的网站(,这本身就已经证明了Ruby的价值,同时也让我们对这本书的实用性更有信心。 所以,你还在犹豫什么呢?既然已经拿起了这...
Title:Ruby on Rails Tutorial (Rails 7) Level:Beginner programmer|No experience with Rails Type: Tutorial The Ruby on Rails Tutorial is one of the clearest, nicest introductions to Rails ever written. It assumes that you have zero knowledge of Rails, however, it is still a great read for th...
Ruby on Rails: an introduction - Zen and the Art of Programming
整理下ruby的书,把放公司里的ruby中文书籍都翻了下。 《programming ruby》,《应用Rails进行敏捷Web开发》,《ruby for rails》,《the ruby way》,《ruby cookbook》,《rails cookbook》。 总体评价下吧。 初学ruby和rails的话,前两本刚好够用的。一本讲解ruby,... (展开) ...
Ruby on Rails - introduced 15 years ago - continues to be the cool but stable framework of choice for startups since it allows for rapid development - while maintaining structure and security - as complex and disruptive business ideas are brought to life in record time. ...
Accordingly, Rails is easy to use—and equally easy to misuse. This tutorial looks at 10 common Ruby on Rails coding problems and shows you how to avoid them and the issues that they cause. Common Rails Programming Mistake #1: Overloading the Controller With Logic ...