Design Decisions(设计决策)(406) 1. How do you handle polymorphism?(你如何处理多态性?)(406) 2. How are game entities defined?(游戏实体是如何定义的?)(408) 8. See Also(也可以看看)(412) 2. Dirty Flag(脏标记)(413) 1. Intent(意图)(413) 2. Motivation(动机)(414) 1. Local and ...
Software design patterns are well-established solutions can be applied in any language or software environment, including Unity games and C#. This book shows you just how easy design patterns make delivering game code that is flexible, scalable, maintainable, and easy for other developers to read ...
The 6 Design Patterns game devs need? 27:42 Unity中的游戏事件 - 力量与简洁 Game Events - Power & Simplicity 20:00 DOTS (面向数据的技术栈) 44:53 释放Unity 中的 LINQ 力量! Unleashing linq for UNITY! 29:15 3个有趣的脚本化对象如何立即修复你的Unity3D项目! 3 Interesting Ways Script...
Game Programming PatternsDesign Patterns RevisitedThis chapter is an anomaly. Every other chapter in this book shows you how to use a design pattern. This chapter shows you how not to use one.Despite noble intentions, the Singleton pattern described by the Gang of Four usually does more harm ... 中文地址 读完的感受 自己读起来还是比较难,自己读了两周才读完。一是学程序的时间有些短,都不太了解具体的应用的案例;二是这本书的中文翻译真的是机翻,感觉中文只能对照着看看,具体还是看英文原版吧,读起来比较慢(吐槽一下作者可能是...
Game Programming Design Patterns - The Factory PatternMichael Haney
Game Programming PatternsDesign Patterns RevisitedThe fog lifts, revealing a majestic old growth forest. Ancient hemlocks, countless in number, tower over you forming a cathedral of greenery. The stained glass canopy of leaves fragments the sunlight into golden shafts of mist. Between giant trunks,...
首先这本书可以在网站上读到原版: 读这本书之前对于设计模式已经有一定的了解了,很早以前读过四人帮的书,也也写过不少代码,相关的实践也是不少的。然而读完这本书以后,我想说依然收获很大,感受如下: 1、这本书... (展开) 11 2回应 白如冰 2018-07...
Feel like your game is a giant hairball where everything is intertwined with everything else? Wonder if and how design patterns apply to games? Hear things like “cache coherency” and “object pools”, but don’t know how to use them to make your game faster?
Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu Tampere University of Applied Sciences Degree Programme in Business Information Systems Option of Game Development RAUTAKOPRA, ANNI: Game Design Patterns Utilizing Design Patterns in Game Programming Bachelor's thesis 40 pages June 2018 There is more to programming than the mer...