programmed cell deathProgrammed cell death (PCD) occurs in the anther during in vivo micro-spore/pollen development. The first hallmarks are detected in the tapetum at meiosis and consist in progressive degeneration of organelles such as mitochondria, as well as DNA degradation into multiple of 180...
Programmed cell death(PCD) occurs in the whole process of plant life. 细胞编程性死亡现象普遍存在于植物体的整个生长发育过程中。 更多例句>> 3) programmed cell death 细胞编程性死亡 1. Ultrastructural studies on peripheral cells of root cap of Allium sativum in the process of programmed cell de...
The programmed cell death is the potential target for treatment of hepatic fibrosis. The development of small molecule inhibitors for programmed cell death is helpful to slow or even reverse the progression of hepatic fibrosis. Programmed cell death occurs in different cell types and has different ef...
Programmed cell death(PCD) occurs in the whole process of plant life. 细胞编程性死亡现象普遍存在于植物体的整个生长发育过程中。 更多例句>> 3) programmed cell death 细胞编程性死亡 1. Ultrastructural studies on peripheral cells of root cap of Allium sativum in the process ofprogrammed cell death;...
Programmed cell death(PCD) occurs in the whole process of plant life. 细胞编程性死亡现象普遍存在于植物体的整个生长发育过程中。 6. In brain after ischemia, programmed cell death (PCD) is also present in addition to neuron necrosis. 脑局部缺血后神经元损伤除通常认为的坏死外,还...
Necroptosisis a form of programmed cell death morphologically similar to necrosis. Necroptotic cells swell and rupture, releasing their intracellular contents in a manner analogous to necrotic and pyroptotic cells. However, the mechanism by which necroptosis occurs is distinct: Necroptosis is mediated ...
Cell death is predominantly classified into two types: accidental and programmed cell death (PCD) [8]. Accidental cell death occurs without discernible regulatory mechanisms or signals, whereas PCD operates under stringent molecular and signaling control [9]. Since the discovery of apoptosis in 1972,...
The concept of cell death has been expanded beyond apoptosis and necrosis to additional forms, including necroptosis, pyroptosis, autophagy, and ferroptosis. These cell death modalities play a critical role in all aspects of life, which are noteworthy fo
Because of the genetic control of this process it is referred to as ‘programmed cell death’, and contrasts with cell death that occurs in many diseases or is brought about by deleterious stimuli. The most important form of programmed cell death is apoptosis. In this process, the cell ...
Summary: Programmed cell death (PCD) occurs widely in species from every kingdom of life. It has been shown to be an integral aspect of development in multicellular organisms, and it is an essential component of the immune response to infectious agents. An analysis of the phylogenetic origin ...