Progesterone vs. estrogen Like progesterone, estrogen is a hormone that plays an important role in reproductive health. Estrogen is partly responsible for the development of secondary sex traits such as breasts and hips, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. Progesterone is available in many forms, ...
We investigated the effects of female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone on CGRP and SP in in-vivo and ex-vivo in rats of both sexes. For in-vivo experiments, male, female and ovariectomized rats were separated into four groups (n = 7) as control, estrogen, progesterone and estrogen +...
$336,800 NIH 2004R01 HL Estrogen &Progesterone Effects on Orthostatic ToleranceStachenfeld, Nina / John B. Pierce Laboratory, Inc. $313,404 NIH 2003R01 HL Estrogen &Progesterone Effects on Orthostatic ToleranceStachenfeld, Nina / John B. Pierce Laboratory, Inc. $291,427Publications...
Effects of estrogen and progesterone on luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone messenger ribonucleic acid levels: consideration of temporal and neuroanatomi... Effects of estrogen and progesterone on luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone messenger ribonucleic acid levels: consideration of temporal and neuroanatomic...
Daily injections of estradiol or the antiestrogen tamoxifen initially stimulate uterine weight increase and progesterone receptor synthesis, though continued tamoxifen fails to maintain the increased weight. The stimulatory actions of both estradiol and tamoxifen are inhibited or reversed by a single injectio...
Fourth, the present design does not allow us to differentiate the effects of E2 vs P4 withdrawal on perimenstrual symptom change; it is possible that the benefits observed in this study are attributable primarily or solely to one of the two steroids. Future studies should compare administration ...
Fuxe K, Andersson K, Blake CA, Eneroth P, Gustafsson J-Å, Agnati LF (1981a) Effects of estrogen and combined treatment with estrogen and progesterone on central dopa-mine, noradrenaline and adrenaline nerve terminal systems of the ovariectomized rat. Relationship of changes in amine turnover...
Estrogen administration during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle resulted in rapid decline of progesterone levels in the peripheral plasma of 13 out of 16 cycles in macaque monkeys. In most instances, values returned to normal whether or not estrogen was continued. In more than half the an...
Estrogen and progesterone inhibit human vascular smooth muscle proliferation. Endocrinology 1997;138(8):3330–39.Morey AK, Pedram A, Razandi M, Prins BA, Hu RM, Biesiada E, Levin ER: Estrogen and progesterone inhibit vascular smooth muscle proliferation. Endocrinology 1997, 138: 3330–3339....
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of estrogen and progestin on growth-factor-induced vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation and migration in vitro.Two cell lines of human female aortic smooth muscle cells (AOSMCs) were used for the study. DNA synthesis was ...