——《Professor Marston & the Wonder Women》 美国影片《Professor Marston & the Wonder Women》(马斯顿教授与神奇女侠) 作品类型:传记 主要演员:Luke Evans(饰演Marston教授)、Rebecca Hall(饰演Marston太太Elizabeth)、Bella Heathcote(饰演Olive) 故事概述:Marston教授(《神奇女侠》生父)的前卫人生 上映时间:2017年...
——《Professor Marston & the Wonder Women》美国影片《Professor Marston & the Wonder Women》(马斯顿教授与神奇女侠)作品类型:传记主要演员:Luke Evans(饰演Marston教授)、Rebecca Hall(饰演Marston太太Elizabeth)、Bella Heathcote(饰演Olive)故事概述:Marston教授(《神奇女侠》生父)的前卫人生上映时间:2017年10月13...
Marston, Wonder Woman has drawn criticism... 捆绑 打屁♥股♥ 折磨 同性恋 ...for being full of depictions of bondage... 与其它变♥态♥性行为受到批评 ...spanking, torture, homosexuality, and other sex perversions. 你认为对你作品的这种评价公正吗 Would you say that'...
But “ProfessorMarston” also couldn’t be more relevant, and not just because it happens to be hitting theaters just four months after the release of the smash-hit blockbuster “Wonder Woman.” It’s a timely affirmation of feminine power—of the ways in which female wisdom and strength can...
Olive Becoming Wonder Woman Looking for Mr. Gaines Donn Got Into a Fight Olive Leaves Marston Falls Ill Elizabeth Begs for Forgiveness Love Me for All My Days Professor Marston & The Wonder Women Marston End Credits Wife Not Your Jailer (Bonus Track) ...
《神力女超人的秘密 Professor Marston and the Wonder Women》。IMDb欣賞這部電影之前,X編不清楚神力女超人的原著是誰,一旦了解它的背景之後,便驚覺神力女超人的深度有如諾貝爾獎生產機哈佛大學那麼深,有著跳脫世俗眼界的思想,令人欽佩,他們無懼無畏的作風,讓我們見到什麼是真正的自由!什麼是真正的力量!不知道其他...
马斯顿教授与神奇女侠(Professor_Marston_and_the_Wonder_Women)2017_中英对照_台词本_单词标注 热度: 烧掉烧掉烧掉 Burnthem!Burnthem!Burnthem! 根据真实故事改编 Frank小姐我想提醒你我是自愿来这的 Ms.Frank,I'dliketoremindyouthatIcameherevoluntarily. ...
A university professor finds inspiration from his unconventional romantic relationship inProfessor Marston and the Wonder Women. This is the story of an enduring love that began in the 1920s, but of a type that remains hidden in the shadows of social acceptance even today.William “Bill” Moulton...
Annapurna has released the final trailer for “Professor Marston & the Wonder Women,” Angela Robinson’s biopic about the man who created Wonder Woman — and the two women who helped inspire her. Luke Evans, Rebecca Hall, and Bella Heathcote are the ménage à trois in question. Watch below...
斯顿中英文台词剧本副本marston 00:0:3,949-->00:0:6,372烧掉烧掉烧掉Burnthem!Burnthem!Burnthem!300:0:32,370-->00:0:35,770根据真实故事改编400:0:40,57-->00:0:44,442Frank小姐我想提醒你我是自愿来这的Ms.Frank,I'dliketoremindyouthatIcameherevoluntarily.500:0:44,605-->00:0:47,449不你...