Role of the Funder/Sponsor:The funder had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit the manuscript for publication. References 1....
Chances are that being told a person "behaves professionally" or is "a true professional" is a compliment in this world. Acting in a professional manner can evoke praise or even spark promotion. There's a largely positive association to the trope of being a professional. ...
For example, one educational leader wrote about the situation of an employee's misconduct that was solved according to the principles of fairness, justice and honesty: 210 E. Hanhimäki During the last school year, I had a project employee from outside the school. I received feedback that ...
Here are a few examples of the kinds of questions they are addressing. Is employee well being one of the inevitable and unavoidable costs for the efficiency bureaucracy provides? 2 Are supervisors, managers, and commissioners in effect "sentenced" to ...
The purpose of this article will be to look at the importance of acting like a professional to the employee/professional, to the business or company and to the society as a whole. The professional area that will be focused on will be the health care industry. What it means to act ...