Work culture within the hospital context in Canada : Professional versus unit influence. Journal of Health Organization and Management.Kuhlmann, Burau, Khokher, Lynn Bourgeault, & Sainsaulieu. (2009). Work culture within the hospital context in Canada: Professional versus unit influences. Journal of...
Professional services firms have made significant progress in their digital efforts, but there’s still work to do. In our latest executive survey, key findings reveal where the industry needs to go. Workday Staff Writers April 30, 2021 Analytics and Insights Workday News and Culture Announc...
Wavecontrol is a company open to diversity, where there is no room for any sort of discrimination whatsoever, whether for gender, religion, origin, etc. We value people solely for their contribution, involvement in the shared undertaking and participation in the familiar work surroundings that we ...
“Culture eats Strategy for Lunch,” think about that…I am fortunate to work for an organization that puts culture, and their employees first-hand. More fulfilled/happier employees produce more in my experience. It’s an earned privilege to be afforded a position that can be impactful. For...
Summer internshipstypically last for 10 weeks and attract students in their penultimate year of university who aim to start work full-time the following year. The summer internship class is our primary source of hiring into our full-time campus programs. An internship is a great way to get a...
Today, professional learning communities (PLCs) exist within many schools to help educators learn and practice new skills, review data, and to review student work and discuss next steps. The transformational leaders we interviewed also harness their PLCs for deeper equity reflection. The...
Also probed were topics related to spending and investment expectations, how important an agency site really is in the eyes of marketers, in-house agencies in flux, the impact of remote work on culture, and how Marketers are finding new agencies today. ...
Today, professional learning communities (PLCs) exist within many schools to help educators learn and practice new skills, review data, and to review student work and discuss next steps. The transformational leaders we interviewed also harness their PLCs for deeper equity reflection. They...
Canada smartWhales Pioneering projects Across the globe, we work with clients to dream big, challenge conventions and transform our world for the better. View all projects prev next 1—8 Innovative thinking Read all insights Building skills through building services ...
The in-text reporting of statistics using a generative AI tool/LLM is not permissible due to concerns over the authenticity, integrity, and validity of the data produced, although the use of such a tool to aid in the analysis of the work would be permissible. ...