植入式广告(Product Placement)又称植入式营销(Product Placement Marketing) 分析总结。 植入式广告productplacement又称植入式营销productplacementmarketing结果一 题目 一个英语单词Product placement似乎是美语. 答案 植入式广告(Product Placement)又称植入式营销(Product Placement Marketing)相关推荐 1一个英语单词Product...
植入式营销(Product Placement Marketing)又称植入式广告(Product Placement),是指将产品或品牌及其代表性的视觉符号甚至服务内容策略性地融入电影、电视剧或电视节目等各种内容之中,通过场景的再现,让观众在不知不觉中留下对产品及品牌印象,继而达到营销产品的目的。
However, while the industry's overall size increased by around five percent in 2023, product placement's annual growth rates have been consistently double-digit, suggesting a strong rising trend and depicting a segment responsible for pushing global investments in marketing. Show more - Description...
(Marketing 营销) a type of advertising in which a company pays to have one of its products appear in a film/movie or television programme植入式广告,产品安插(为了广告目的,公司付费使某种产品出现在电影或电视节目中)◆the practice of product placement of cigarettes in the movies在电影中安插香烟广...
A compilation of the latest data on product placement marketing worldwide and in the United States, which accounts for over half of the global industry's revenues. It introduces key data on the advertising sector before delving into an overview of the product placement segment worldwide and in ...
网络植入式广告(NetworkProduct Placement或NetworkProduct Placement Marketing)是植入式广告的一个分支,它依托网络,不区分传播和接收平台,能够在广泛的网络平台上进行广告传播以达到宣传和营销的目的。也是目前最有发展前景的,最具生命力的广告方式。 网络植入式广告包括很多,比如在将产品或品牌及其代表性的视觉符号、图片...
产品植入(Product Placement)是一种将品牌或产品融入影视、综艺等内容中的广告形式,其核心是通过自然呈现增强观众对品牌的认知
ˌplacement noun [countable, uncountable]MARKETING when the maker of a product arranges for it to appear in a film or television programme as a form of advertisingProduct placement has turned feature films into a series of disguised commercials.ˈproduct ˌplacement nounChineseSyllable one which...
(Marketing) the practice of a company paying for its product to be placed in a prominent position in a film or television programme as a form of advertising Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006...
Product Placement: Definition, How It Works, and Examples Welcome to our FINANCE blog post category, where we cover a wide range of topics to help you achieve financial success. In this post, we will delve into the world of product placement, a marketing strategy that has gained significant ...