47:59 国际基础科学大会-On Hirschowitz's conjecture on the formal principle-Jun-Muk Hwang 45:46 国际基础科学大会-Regressing Multivariate Gaussian Distribution on Vector Covariates…… 53:38 国际基础科学大会-SchNet - A deep learning architecture for molecules and mater 48:39 国际基础科学大会-How ...
inner product of multivariate Gaussian densitiesRachid BoumazaPierre SantagostiniSmail YousfiSabine DemotesMainard
Tight frames of compactly supported multivariate multi-wavelets This paper is devoted to the study and construction of compactly supported tight frames of multivariate multi-wavelets. In particular, a necessary conditio... M Charina,CK Chui,W He - 《Journal of Computational & Applied Mathematics》...
The product of two distributionsfandgon the open interval (a, b), where ∞≤a<b∞, was defined in (1) as the limit of the sequence {fn·gn} provided this sequence is regular in (a, b), where forn= 1, 2, … and ρ is a fixed infinitely differentiable function having the followi...
Availability of data and materials Not applicable. No datasets were generated or analysed during the current study. References Alegría A, Porcu E, Furrer R et al (2019) Covariance functions for multivariate Gaussian fields evolving temporally over planet earth. Stoch Env Res Risk Assess 33(8–9...
docs work in progress, multivariate gaussian Mar 28, 2019 src layerwise: RatSpn fix padding Apr 15, 2020 .gitignore Add sphinx documentation setup Jan 9, 2019 .gitmodules Initial commit for DeepNotebooks Sep 11, 2018 .pre-commit-config.yaml black formatting Dec 4, 2018 .travis.yml - infer...
In the multivariate SPM literature, traditional methods assume that the joint distribution of several quality characteristics has a known parametric distribution (e.g., multivariate Gaussian distribution). Then, control charts based on Hotelling’s T2 statistic are popular. However, such a multivariate ...
works well if you have a small data set with small states. It would be very much appreciated and very helpful if this package is converted to log probablities everywhere (A matrix, pdf estimation, decoding algorithms, etc) One more thing, will this package support multivariant Gaussian ...
We present two novel solutions to this challenging optimization problem. The first solution iteratively solves two simpler sub-problems. The second solution is based on a Gaussian assumption and provides theoretical analysis of the optimality. We evaluate our optimized product quantizers in three ...
A chemiresistive-potentiometric multivariate sensor for discriminative gas detection ArticleOpen access13 June 2023 Wavelet-artificial neural network to predict the acetone sensing by indium oxide/iron oxide nanocomposites ArticleOpen access14 March 2023 ...