4.2 Length of axes To get a better understanding of how the shape of the level curves vary as a function of the variances of the multivariate Gaussian distribution, suppose that we are interested in 5 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 8 −4 −2...
吴恩达机器学习笔记56-多元高斯分布及其在误差检测中的应用(Multivariate Gaussian Distribution & Anomaly Detection using the Multivariate Gaussian Distribution) 一、多元高斯分布简介 假使我们有两个相关的特征,而且这两个特征的值域范围比较宽,这种情况下,一般的 高斯分布模型可能不能很好地识别异常数据。其原因在于,一...
P. Ahrendt, "The multivariate Gaussian probability distribu- tion," IMM, Technical University of Denmark, Tech. Rep., 2005.P. Ahrendt, "The multivariate gaussian probability distribution," 2005.Ahrendt, P....
The multivariate Gaussian distribution models random processes as vectors of Gaussian samples with a fixed correlation matrix. Such distributions are useful for modelling real-world multivariate time-series such as equity returns, where the returns for businesses in the same sector are likely to be cor...
多元高斯分布(TheMultivariatenormaldistribution)多元⾼斯分布(TheMultivariatenormaldistribution)在数据建模时,经常会⽤到多元⾼斯分布模型,下⾯就这个模型的公式并结合它的⼏何意义,来做⼀个直观上的讲解。1,标准⾼斯函数 ⾼斯函数标准型:f(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2π}}e^{-\frac{x^2}{...
多元/多维高斯/正态分布概率密度函数推导 (Derivation of the Multivariate/Multidimensional Normal/Gaussian Density) - 凯鲁嘎吉 - 博客园 (cnblogs.com) [1] 茆诗松, 程依明, 濮晓龙. 概率论与数理统计教程. 高等教育出版社, 2011. [2] The Multivariate Normal Distributionhttp://www.randomservices.org/...
The multivariate normal inverse Gaussian heavy-tailed distribution; simulation and estimation The normal inverse Gaussian (NIG) distribution is a recent variance-mean mixture of a Gaussian with an inverse Gaussian distribution. The NIG can serve as ... TA Oigard,A Hanssen - IEEE 被引量: 15发表...
在学习高斯判别分析(Gaussian discriminant analysis)时,出现了n元正态分布的密度函数,函数中出现了矩阵,弄得大家一头雾水。其实这个公式在大部分概率论书籍中都没有提到,不过,简要推导一下,就可以得到结果。 茆诗松《概率论与数理统计教程》第二版中介绍了协方差矩阵和n元正态分布的密度函数,截图大...
多元高斯分布(The Multivariate normal distribution) 在数据建模时,经常会用到多元高斯分布模型,下面就这个模型的公式并结合它的几何意义,来做一个直观上的讲解。 1, 标准高斯函数 高斯函数标准型: f(x)=1√2πe−x22f(x)=12πe−x22 这个函数描述了变量 x 的一种分布特性,变量x的分布有如下特点: Ⅰ,...