产品碳足迹(PCF, Product Carbon Footprint ),是指组织产品生产或服务提供等过程中系统的温室气体排放和清除的总和。PCF一般采用生命周期评价的方法,计算的单一类型的气候变化指标,以二氧化碳当量表示,核算的温室气体范围包括二氧化碳(CO2)、甲烷(CH4)、氧化亚氮(N2O) 、氢氟碳化物(HFCs)、全氟碳化物(PFCs)、六氟化硫...
4.1.3 产品碳足迹 Product Carbon Footprint “产品碳足迹”即碳足迹在产品层面的应用,是指某一产品在其生命周期过程中所导致的直接和间接的CO2及其他温室气体(以CO2排放当量的形式表示)排放总量。“产品碳足迹”是基于生命周期评价方法计算得到的产品生命周期内所有碳排放的总和。将产品的碳足迹以量化指标表示出来...
碳足迹国标来了! 产品碳足迹(PCF,Product Carbon Footprint )是指组织产品生产或服务提供等过程中系统的温室气体排放和清除的总和。 日前,由全国环境管理标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC207)和全国碳排放管理标准化技术委员会(TC548)提出并归口的国家标准项目《温室气体产品碳足迹 量化要求和指南》已通过批准立项(计划号:20...
A Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) helps us understand a product's impact on the environment, providing valuable insights to help Dell design our products more sustainably and reducing emissions for ourselves and our customers.View PCFs Measuring the impact of our products See ...
Partnerships for Product Carbon Footprint methodology MyCarbonFootprint - Sustainable Purchasing Dashboard 在巴斯夫不断努力争取在2050年前实现二氧化碳净零排放的同时,越来越多的客户在采购决策时将环保纳入考量之中。因此,巴斯夫开发了一套数字化解决方案,用来计算其 45,000 款在售产品“摇篮到大门”的碳足迹。巴斯...
The product carbon footprint (PCF) refers to the climate relevant emissions of a product. During the entire life cycle of a product - from raw material extraction to recycling or disposal - climate relevant impacts occur in the form of greenhouse gas emissions. ...
The Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) is a metric that describes the total greenhouse gas emissions associated with manufacturing a product. It is typically expressed in kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent (kg CO2e), allowing for a comparison of different products' climate im...
The Product Carbon Footprint, or PCF, sums up the total greenhouse gas emissions generated by a product over the different stages of its life cycle. For example, a cradle-to-gate (partial) PCF considers all the processes from extraction of resources through manufacturing of precursors and the ...