The presentation essentially is an awareness initiative on the "Global Warming" phenomena and effects of "Climate Change" on our planet Earth, with particular emphysis on regional outlook of carbon footprint. It gives an insight into what constitutes "Global Warming" and the physical effects th...
Consumption-based emissions (carbon footprint) Allocating emissions to the consumption of products provides an alternative perspective USA and EU28 are net importers of embodied emissions, China and India are net exporters Consumption-based emissions are calculated by adjusting the standard production-based...
Presentation Sponsor 4 Passes 30 min Speech Opportunity 4 coffee breaks 1 Color AD Page Panelist Discussion Holistic Logo Branding On-site 2 Networking Buffet Lunch Simultaneous Interpretation PPTs& Documentation Gold Sponsor (Exclusive) 5 or More Passes ...
carbon footprint; agriculture; soil management; carbon sequestration; greenhouse gas emissions1. Introduction The debate about the anthropogenic impact of climate change on a global scale has been increasing over the last 50 years as the detrimental impact of increased temperatures is now widely ...
Carbon footprint has become a reference indicator of the environmental impact of food production. Governments are increasingly demanding a trend towards low-carbon-footprint production in order to reduce the impact on climate change. In this sense, the study of consumers’ preferences and assessment ...
COVID-19 severely impacted the global economy due to imposed lockdowns around the globe. However, the pandemic contributed to the shift toward sustainable business practices driven by investors, consumers, and even employees, who measured and monitored the carbon footprint of their manufacturing facil...
Zero carbon dioxide emission Our Ambition for 2030: Zero carbon dioxide emission Sandra Valenbreder Current CO2 Emission Objectives for 2020: Travel Paving the way to 2030 (1) Objectives for 2020: Travel 20% overall reduction in travel 50% reduction in car use ...
* Your carbon footprint is the sum of all emissions of CO2, which were induced by your activities in a given time frame. Usually a carbon footprint is calculated for the time period of a year. 你的碳足迹就是在一定时间段内你的所有活动引起的二氧化碳排放总量。通常情况下,碳足迹是以一年为一...
Magnani F, Mencuccini M, Borghetti M et al (2007) The human footprint in the carbon cycle of temperate and boreal forests. Nature 447:848–850 ArticlePubMedCASGoogle Scholar Maier C, Kress T (2000) Soil CO2evolution and root respiration in 11 year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) plantat...
2.1. Product life cycle The quanti?cation of carbon footprint (CF) and water footprint (WF) associated to the soap was based on the product life cycle inventory (Fig. 1), considering one package of soap as a functional unit. The stages evaluated in the study followed the product life ...