User Stories füurs Product BacklogScrum Mit User Stories
A product backlog commonly includes features, bug fixes, technical debts, and knowledge acquisition. These product backlog items are distinct pieces of work that have yet to be delivered for a product. 1. Features (user stories) A feature, also known as a user story, is a function of th...
A product backlog in Scrum is a prioritized list of items (often referred to as “user stories”) that represent work that needs to be done in order to deliver a product or service.These items can include new features, bug fixes, and technical tasks. The product backlog is owned by the...
Product Backlog一旦创建,非常重要的一点就是要通过定期维护来确保它能够与开发项目的整体节奏保持一致。Product Owner在每次迭代规划会议前,都应该评审backlog,以确保优先级顺序正确无误,且上一次迭代的反馈已经被整合到本次迭代中。敏捷圈通常将Product Backlog的定期审查称为“Backlog修饰”。 如果Product Backlog的规...
In an Agile organization, product backlog items are typically written as user stories — though they don’t always need to be. They can also be written as traditional requirements documents, or in a number of other ways. When written as user stories, product backlog items often take the fo...
Want to organize your Agile product development? Learn how a well-groomed product backlog can increase on-time product deliveries for product management success.
产品订单(product backlog)是整个项目的概要文档。产品订单包括所有所需特性的粗略的描述。|基于232个网页 2. 产品待办事项表 - 对产品待办事项表(product backlog)进行估算 - 创建和管理sprint待办事项表(sprint backlog) - 组织有效的sprint评审会议 … ...
Instead, the product backlog evolves, expanding and contracting with the realities of the project. Some product backlog items will become irrelevant and need to be removed. Others will bubble to the surface and need to be broken down into smaller stories. New user stories will be added, ...
details required to execute the strategic plan set forth in the roadmap. The backlog should communicate what’s next on the development team’s to-do list as they execute on the roadmap’s big-picture vision. Typical items in a product backlog include user stories, bug fixes, and other ...
User stories are recognized as the best way to add details to backlog items, as they allow you to describe features and dependencies in a concise yet easy-to-understand way. However, not all items require user stories. A good example of one that wouldn’t necessar...