产品待办列表(Product Backlog,简称PB)动态地包含符合产品路线图(Product Roadmap)策略和愿景的各种排列好优先级的功能和对用户有价值的其他工作(如探索、调研、基础设施、架构、重构、缺陷等)。开发团队(Dev Team)要完成的任何工作都会体现在产品待办列表中,并由产品负责人(Product Owner,PO)全权负责梳理与维护。
我对「产品团队」(Product Team) 总是非常感兴趣,因为每一个伟大的产品总有一个伟大的团队,没有厉害的各种角色组合在一起,就没有伟大的产品。但我花特别多时间跟大家谈谈产品管理、产品经理,因为已经有很多人在谈论设计、技术,但几乎没什么人谈产品,我觉得这是一个很大的空缺。 我也不讳言地说,我们产业最大的...
四、什么时候会修改product backlog 如果一个列表太长或者内容陈旧,product backlog的浪费远大于价值本身,所以我们必须不断的维护产品backlog。产品backlog由产品负责人提供,与Team进行规模估算时,可能会拆分合并或者添加删除故事,初始估计也由Team进行评估提供估计值。产品所有者通常会向开发小组提出自己确定的优先级顺序,...
在sprint计划 (Sprint Planning)活动中,可以由scrum团队完成的产品待办事项列表 (product Backlog) 项目被认为是可以选择的。它们通常在精炼活动后获得这种程度的透明度。产品待办事项列表细化 (backlog refinement) 是分解产品待办事项列表项并进一步将其定义为更小、更准确的项的行为。这是一个正在进行的添加详细信息 ...
产品订单(product backlog)是整个项目的概要文档。产品订单包括所有所需特性的粗略的描述。 baike.baidu.com|基于232个网页 2. 产品待办事项表 - 对产品待办事项表(product backlog)进行估算 - 创建和管理sprint待办事项表(sprint backlog) - 组织有效的sprint评审会议 … ...
Agile Product Backlog vs. Sprint Backlog Content, granularity, and immediacy are three key differences between the product backlogs and sprint backlogs. In short, the sprint backlog is the short-term plan for the team’s sprint. The product backlog is the long-term plan for the product, wh...
You will also want to create a custom sort order for the items in the backlog and arrange the work items in any way that makes the most sense for your team. My sort order is shown below: Work with your backlog.Now you should have everything setup. You can use ...
Product Backlog一旦创建,非常重要的一点就是要通过定期维护来确保它能够与开发项目的整体节奏保持一致。Product Owner在每次迭代规划会议前,都应该评审backlog,以确保优先级顺序正确无误,且上一次迭代的反馈已经被整合到本次迭代中。敏捷圈通常将Product Backlog的定期审查称为“Backlog修饰”。
The development team owns the sprint backlog and handles the task breakdown and execution. Thescrum masterprovides process oversight and facilitatesagile workflowsand practices. Level of detail The level of detail in the sprint backlog is more granular than in the product backlog, as the former ...
to uphold the integrity of the product. Some bugs may be important enough to interrupt your team’s current sprint, while others can wait for the next sprint. An overall rule with bugs, however, is to keep them at the top of your product backlog so your team doesn’t forget about ...