产品订单(product backlog)是整个项目的概要文档。产品订单包括所有所需特性的粗略的描述。 baike.baidu.com|基于232个网页 2. 产品待办事项表 - 对产品待办事项表(product backlog)进行估算 - 创建和管理sprint待办事项表(sprint backlog) - 组织有效的sprint评审会议 … ...
The sprint backlog is a curated list of items the development team commits to completing during a sprint. Its primary purpose is to break down the selected product backlog items into actionable tasks and provide a clear sprint plan. A sprint is a time-boxed iteration of work, and the items...
产品待办列表(Product Backlog,简称PB)动态地包含符合产品路线图(Product Roadmap)策略和愿景的各种排列好优先级的功能和对用户有价值的其他工作(如探索、调研、基础设施、架构、重构、缺陷等)。开发团队(Dev Team)要完成的任何工作都会体现在产品待办列表中,并由产品负责人(Product Owner,PO)全权负责梳理与维护。
四、什么时候会修改product backlog 如果一个列表太长或者内容陈旧,product backlog的浪费远大于价值本身,所以我们必须不断的维护产品backlog。产品backlog由产品负责人提供,与Team进行规模估算时,可能会拆分合并或者添加删除故事,初始估计也由Team进行评估提供估计值。产品所有者通常会向开发小组提出自己确定的优先级顺序,...
Owns team backlog and fulfillment work Works at a conceptual level Involved in day-to-day activities But responsibilities can shift a bit when team makeups and practices shift. For instance, if the team isn’t doing Scrum (say, they’re doing kanban or something else), the product manager...
Nothing gets built unless it is on the product backlog. On the other hand, listing an item on the backlog doesn’t guarantee that it will be delivered. In that sense, the backlog is a large to-do list of all product-related tasks that the team has captured but hasn’t committed to...
Product backlog structure differs amongst teams, departments, and companies. Not all teams function in the same way, so their product backlogs can be considerably different. Different types ofproduct backlog itemsinclude: New features and functionalities of the product ...
Agile Product Backlog vs. Sprint Backlog Content, granularity, and immediacy are three key differences between the product backlogs and sprint backlogs. In short, the sprint backlog is the short-term plan for the team’s sprint. The product backlog is the long-term plan for the product, wh...
But, if the processes differ between projects, the hierarchy isn't visible on the backlog for those child items in separate projects. You can still view all associated child items directly on the work item form.Visualize team backlog ownership and progressEach team has its own home page or ...
This lesson explains the main differences between a product backlog and a sprint backlog in agile software development, how each of those backlogs...