Product Backlog一旦创建,非常重要的一点就是要通过定期维护来确保它能够与开发项目的整体节奏保持一致。Product Owner在每次迭代规划会议前,都应该评审backlog,以确保优先级顺序正确无误,且上一次迭代的反馈已经被整合到本次迭代中。敏捷圈通常将Product Backlog的定期审查称为“Backlog修饰”。 如果Product Backlog的规...
一个完整的backlog是一个的蓝图,可以根据它来把产品改造成为我们期望的样子。 但是在Scrum中,Backlog是根据产品和产品使用环境的演化而不断演化的。所以Backlog是动态的,我们会持续的改变它去确保我们的产品是最合理的,最有竞争力的,最有价值的。
A well-prioritized agile backlog not only makes release and iteration planning easier, it broadcasts all the things your team intends to spend time on—including internal work that the customer will never notice. This helps set expectations with stakeholders and other teams, especially when they b...
This experiential 1-day workshop will equip your team with tools to tackle the formidable but rewarding activity of product backlog refinement. You’ll gain real practice in class through hands-on exercises, first with training stories and then with the real stories from your product backlog. Y...
Agile Backlogs Example You might be wondering, what should this decision-making artifact look like? In honesty, providing a useful example is difficult. That’s because a well-built backlog looks like whatever it needs to in order to help teams build the most valuable product in the time ava...
According toagile methodology, the backlog is sorted based on priority so that the most important features get shipped first. At any given time, a product backlog has work items of varying sizes and levels of detail. The ones at the top are usually ready to be taken into sprints. These...
Agile Scrum product backlog grooming and management by the product owner and the Scrum team: user stories, epics, sprint planning, etc.
What is a product backlog in Agile? According to the official Scrum Guide, the product backlog is “ ordered list of everything that is known to be needed in the product.” The product backlog sits outside of the sprint loop (meaning it contains work that will not be completed ...
demands. If the team or customer changes or adds tasks, they're prioritized at the point of update, meaning the environment is constantly evolving. When operating in this environment, flexibility is essential for developers to adapt their work schedules and sync with the reprioritized backlog. ...
Step-by-Step Agile Scrum Tutorial that covers the entire scrum process. As part of the tutorial series, this agile tutorial explains how to manage product backlog in Visual Paradigm, a powerful scrum process software.