We investigate the potential of using Large Language Models (LLM) to support process model creation in organizational contexts. Specifically, we carry out a case study wherein we develop and test an LLM-based chatbot, PRODIGY (PROcess moDellIng Guidance for You), in a multinational company, the...
The continued success of Large Language Models (LLMs) and other generative artificial intelligence approaches highlights the advantages that large informat
UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams offer an alternative business process modeling technique. The modeling language was developed by software developers, but it can be adapted to business process modeling. There’s just one problem with UML Diagrams, or rather, we should say that there are no...
Smith acknowledges that models are the representation of the current understanding of a system, he subordinates in-depth reasoning to modeling and also believes that models lead to discovery. Improper reasoning by Smith (1993) is discussed.
Business Process Modeling, Simulation and Design, Second Edition, by Manuel Laguna and John Marklund White Papers Strategic Knowledge Mapping For Improved Policy and Strategic Planning, by Steven E. Wallis & Bernadette Wright. Strategic Knowledge Mapping: The Co-Creation of Useful Knowledge, by Steven...
Big data analytics along with a goal-orientation which helps find out insights from a large volume of data in a goal concept opens up a new way for an effective business process reengineering. In this paper, we suggest a novel modeling framework which consists of a conceptual modeling language...
Natural language processing for innovation search – Reviewing an emerging non-human innovation intermediary 2024, Technovation Citation Excerpt : More advanced neural topic modeling approaches that enrich their models with embeddings (Bianchi et al., 2021; Dieng et al., 2020; Grootendorst, 2022) hav...
Based on the experimental bore damage data in section 2.1 and the mesh generation method for damaged barrel proposed in section 2.2, four coupled bullet-barrel finite element models, in which the barrels had conducted 0, 1400, 3000 and 6000 firing cycles respectively, were established for the an...
Business process modelling languages typically enable the representation of business process models by employing (graphical) symbols. These symbols can vary depending upon the verbosity of the language, the modelling paradigm, the focus of the language and so on. To make explicit different constructs ...
today. We’ll also distinguish the difference between AI and ML before pivoting into a discussion on the various types of ML and a look at some common AI models. Finally, we’ll walk you through the intriguing process of AI modeling and share our thoughts on the future of this developing...