Business Process Modeling Language (BPML) is a meta-language for the modeling of business processes is a meta-language for the modeling of business data
通过对现有业务过程建模语言的分析指出了其对面向服务支持的不足,以可视化过程建模语言VPML(Visual Process Modeling Language)为基础,提出了一种面向服务的可视化过程建模语言VPML-S,并提出了该语言的概念设计框架,简述了其通用的建模元素;使用UML类图设计了该语言的元模型,在此基础上建立了语言的形式化模型;分析和评...
Business Process Modeling Language (BPML) is anXMLstandard metalanguage used to outline business processes in an easy-to-understand way. It could cover all parts of a business process such as transactions, exceptions, data flows, scheduled events, roles and security. It was superseded by the Bus...
Business Process Modeling Language (BPML) is a metalanguage for modeling business processes and business data. It provides an abstracted execution model for collaborative and transactional business processes based on the transactional finite-state machine concept. Advertisements BPML was a metalanguage devel...
Hence, we extend the metamodels of UML 2 AD, EPC and BPMN with business process goals and performance measures. These concepts become explicitly visible in the corresponding models. Furthermore, a mapping of the performance measures onto the Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) enables their...
BPMN provides a common business process modeling language that’s readily understandable by all business stakeholders—the business process analysts who create and refine processes, the technical developers responsible for implementing business processes and the business users who monitor and manage them. Al...
Business Process Modeling Techniques Intelligent Automation According to, intelligent automation is the name given to a business practice that uses a combination of techniques such as machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), androbotic process automationto automate repetitive ...
Business Process Modeling Notation and Unified Modeling Language Process modeling often uses Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN), a standard method of illustrating processes. Also known asBusiness Process Model and Notation, BPMN uses flowchart-like diagrams that various stakeholders, such as IT and...
Business Process Modeling Language (BPML) BPMI Execution language Business Process Query Language (BPQL) BPMI Administration and monitoring interface Business Process Semantic Model (BPSM) BPMI Process metamodel, in fashion of Object Management Group (OMG) Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) ...
UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams offer an alternative business process modeling technique. The modeling language was developed by software developers, but it can be adapted to business process modeling. There’s just one problem with UML Diagrams, or rather, we should say that there are no...