1:60 ??220/380V,50HZ,1HP S/N:5246688ROTHENBERGER 12~25.4MM ROBEND3000GUK FA21/4 21401-1814LOVTOR GAX7 090 S130815047178 m2.184.1121/05GUTEKUNST D-142AD 弹簧HAHN+KOLB 52153-015DANLY DEUTSCHLAND 9-1605-26draco pos 46 in Spare part List for 3514-7RBEP 2214039VW SH-NCA1-4 PN.PC-BEP-...
metals Article Dissolution Behavior of Alumina-Based Inclusions in CaF2-Al2O3-CaO-MgO-SiO2 Slag Used for the Electroslag Metallurgy Process Yanwu Dong *, Zhouhua Jiang and Ang Yu School of Metallurgy, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China; jiangzh@smm.neu.edu.cn (Z.J.); biam_yuang...
eArell psaemrfoprlemsewdeorenmuneapsruorceedssneod lsautebrstahnacneos,nbeldenadyeadfteprhpyrsoicdaul cmtiioxntu. res, and granules in order to choose processing tem- peratures that would not result in harmful degradation effects. All samples were meas- 2u.2re.7d. nRohelaotleorgtyh:aSn...
EstAabsl isshhmowennt ofinF inFiitgeuErleem 6en, tt(hFeE )FME odseiml ulation model of the thin‐walled conical part with varAiasbsleh‐oswecntiionnF diguurrien6g, tshpeinFnEinsigm iusl aetsitoanbmlisohdeedl obfyt ...
processes Article An Investigation of the Techno-Economic and Environmental Aspects of Process Heat Source Change in a Refinery Miroslav Variny 1,* , Dominika Jediná 1, Ján Kizek 2 , Peter Illés 3, Ladislav Lukácˇ 4, Ján Janošovský 1 and Marián Lesný 3 1 Department of ...
The results showed that vermiculite could be applied as a cost-effective sorbent for the removal of Cu2+ and Ag+ from wastewater in a continuous process. Keywords: fixed-bed column; sorption dynamics; silver; copper; vermiculite 1. Introduction One of the greatest environmental problems today is...
A different technique to characterize the oxide quality are minority carrier lifetime (lifetime) measurements, which are performed in dependence of the near-surface condition. While sweeping the latter from accumulation to inversion, a distinct lifetime dip can be observed, which is directly ...
The combination of the peculiar sub-micron morphology and the low surface tension favors trapping of small air pockets at the interface with water droplets, which considerably reduces the contact area between the droplet and the surface, resulting in the reduction of contact angle hysteresis, sliding...