but when i try to run the protractor by the following command "protractor "filepath\conf.js", Im getting " E/launcher - Process exited with error code 199" error. can anyone please let me know, where I'm doing mistake? Member gkalpak commented Nov 14, 2016 This sounds like a genera...
MSB6006 执行命令并返回非零退出代码或指示其输出中出现错误时,会发生此错误。 输出 'process' exited with code `exit code` 查看命令的输出以确定导致失败的根本原因。 如果在生成中启用了日志记录,则可能会将输出写入生成日志。 请参阅查看、保存和配置生成日志文件和用 MSBuild 获取生成日志。 若要诊断错误,首...
Exited事件處理程式會顯示進程資訊。 C# 複製 using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading.Tasks; class PrintProcessClass { private Process myProcess; private TaskCompletionSource<bool> eventHandled; // Print a file with any known extension. public async Task PrintDoc(string fileName...
网卡配置文件地址:/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33 \ TYPE=Ethernet# 网卡的类型NAME=ens160#网卡的名字,正常可以随便写DEVICE=ens160# 与ip -a时候出现网卡名字必须一直BOOTPROTO=static# static表示网卡配置为静态,如果是DHCP或者none表示网卡是动态配置的,如果是动态配置。下面的信息都不需要写IPADDR=19...
统计 一、执行重启网络服务 systemctl restart network 然后报错 二、执行 systemctl status network.service查看network服务的运行状态 发现是 active(exited) 退出状态 三、使用journalctl -Xe 查看systemctl执行命令错误的详细信息 发现网卡eth2的配置有问题,无法激活...
问题: [root@localhost ~]#systemctl restart named Job for named.service failed because the control process exited with error code. 解决方案: 1.看日志,出现什么问题是不是编辑文档的时候出错之类的错误 [root@localhost ~]#"" > /var/log/messages #先清空日志 ...
Nginx——Nginx启动报错Job for nginx.service failed because the control process exited with error code 一、报错如下 [root@localhost ~]# systemctl start nginx.service 1. 二、解决原因 1、先检查nginx配置文件正否正确 输入nginx -t 命令,如果反回 successful表示配置文件无错误,否则说明配置文件有错误。
在Linux系统内运行systemctl restart network命令启动网络服务时,提示Job for network.service failed because the control process exited with error code.错误,如下图所示。本文以CentOS 7.9系统为例。 可能原因 可能是通过控制台或OpenAPI卸载实例辅助...
简介:Job for named.service failed because the control process exited with error code. 问题: [root@localhost ~]#systemctl restart named Job for named.service failed because the control process exited with error code. 解决方案: 1.看日志,出现什么问题是不是编辑文档的时候出错之类的错误 ...
Raw [root@rhel7a network-scripts]# systemctl restart network Job for network.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status network.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. [root@rhel7a network-scripts]# service network restart Restarting network (via...