because the control process exited with error code这个错误提示"因为控制进程退出时出现错误代码"通常在Linux系统中出现,以下是可能导致此错误的一些常见原因和解决方法: 1.首先,您可以尝试重新启动服务或虚拟机,这是最常见的解决方法之一。 2.如果重启无效,那么您需要查看服务的状态和错误日志,以确定导致错误的原因...
[root@localhost ~]#systemctl restart named Job for named.service failed because the control process exited with error code. 解决方案: 1.看日志,出现什么问题是不是编辑文档的时候出错之类的错误 [root@localhost ~]#"" > /var/log/messages #先清空日志 [root@localhost ~]#cat >/var/log/messages ...
🤔 解决:Job for sshd.service failed because the control process exited with error code.See “systemctI status sshd.service” and “journalctI -xe” for details. 摘要 在运维过程中,SSH服务故障是一种常见但令人头痛的问题。本文旨在提供详细的解决方案,帮助您快速解决“Job for sshd.service failed bec...
重启网络服务命令后:sudo service network restart 出现如下错误: Restarting network (via systemctl):Jobfor network.service failedbecausethe control process exited with error code. See"systemctl status network.service"and"journalctl -xe"for details. 解决方法: 1.虚拟机的网络适配器是否连接成功(无法将 Eth...
问题:Job for docker.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status docker.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. 使用systemctl status docker.service -l查看信息,需要有sudo权限。 由报错信息看不出来,使用sudo journalctl -u docker.service继续查看详细信息...
在Linux系统内运行systemctl restart network命令启动网络服务时,提示Job for network.service failed because the control process exited with error code.错误,如下图所示。本文以CentOS 7.9系统为例。 可能原因 可能是通过控制台或OpenAPI卸载实例辅...
1 2 然后出现以下错误 Jobfordocker.service failed because the control process exitedwitherror code.See"systemctl status docker.service"and"journalctl -xe"fordetails. 1 2 解决办法 # 进入 docker 目录 cd /etc/docker # 修改 daemon 文件的后缀 ...
Process exited with code 1 error in Windows Terminal, PowerShell or CMD ( 环境变量删除后依旧没有解决。 --- linux系统下,我们知道bash zsh 等配置文件在根目录下的 ~/bashrc ~/.zshrc 类似的powershell 的配置文件也好找 C:\Users\<user-name>\Documents\WindowsPowerShell ...
解决启动nginx时报错“Job for nginx.service failed because the control process exited with error code” 在安装完nginx时启动 [root@qmfz nginx]# systemctl start nginx Job for nginx.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status nginx.service" and "journalct...
# systemctl restart networkJobfornetwork.service failed because the control process exitedwitherror code.See"systemctl status network.service"and"journalctl -xe"fordetails. 2、systemctl status network.service 日志 -l 选项可以展示完整的日志 # systemctl status network.service-l ...