The following shows examples of setting up a cataloged procedure when you want to override JCL statements in the procedure using thekeyword=optionparameter on the START command. Note that the DD statement parameters in both of the following procedures are for example only; the needs of ...
The stored procedure does not handle the abend condition, andDb2refreshes the environment for Language Environment to recover the storage that the application uses. In most cases, the environment does not need to restart. A data set is allocated in the DD statement CEEDUMP in the JCL procedure...
Use the CSLOM procedure to dynamically override the settings in the OM initialization parameters member of the IMS PROCLIB data set. You can start OM as a started procedure or with JCL. A sample startup procedure called CSLOM can be found in IMS.SDFSISRC. ...
Use the CSLOM procedure to dynamically override the settings in the OM initialization parameters member of the IMS PROCLIB data set. You can start OM as a started procedure or with JCL. A sample startup procedure called CSLOM can be found in IMS.SDFSISRC. Parameters You can specify the ...
Build the CDFTP procedure and save it in your system's PROCLIB. The CDFTP procedure is executed in your modified FTP JCL. The sample JCL, DGAXFTPP, is in $CD.SDGASAMP.
Absence of the PREVIEW keyword turns off preview processing with one exception. The absence of this keyword does not override the PREVIEW JCL parameter which, if specified, remains in effect for the entire job step. This option is identical to the PREVIEW JCL parameter. ...
EnterSTART GTFABC,,,DEVICE=TAPE, to override the default value of the UNIT parameter for each output data set in your cataloged procedure. Seez/OS MVS JCL Referencefor more information about using symbolic parameters in JCL statements.
EnterSTART GTFABC,,,DEVICE=TAPE, to override the default value of the UNIT parameter for each output data set in your cataloged procedure. Seez/OS MVS JCL Referencefor more information about using symbolic parameters in JCL statements.
If the default IRRDBU00 or IRRADU00 data sets are not correct, you can override them. For example, if the IRRDBU00 output is in the data set USER01.TEST.IRRDBU00 and the IRRADU00 output is in the data set USER01.TEST.IRRADU00, you should enter: //jobname JOB Job card... //...
Use the CQS startup procedure to dynamically override the settings in the CQS initialization parameters member of the IMS PROCLIB data set (CQSIPxxx). You can start CQS as a started procedure or with JCL. The started procedure JCL for CQS can execute either the CQSINIT0 or the BPEINI00 ...