//STEP001 EXEC procname, COND.stepname=value 象COND, PARM这样的EXEC语句必须这样覆盖 Q25)How do you override a specific DDNAME/SYSIN in PROC from a JCL? A25)//<STEPNAME.DD> DSN=... 如何覆盖一个在PROC中的特殊的DDNAME/SYSIN //<STEPNAME.DD> DSN=... Q26)What is NOTCAT 2 - GS ...
//STEP001 EXEC procname, COND.stepname=value 象COND, PARM这样的EXEC语句必须这样覆盖 Q25)How do you override a specific DDNAME/SYSIN in PROC from a JCL? A25)//<STEPNAME.DD> DSN=... 如何覆盖一个在PROC中的特殊的DDNAME/SYSIN //<STEPNAME.DD> DSN=... Q26)What is NOTCAT 2 - GS ...
//GTFOUT1 DD DSNAME=&NAME1,UNIT=&DEVICE,DISP=&DSPS; //GTFOUT2 DD DSNAME=&NAME2,UNIT=&DEVICE,DISP=&DSPS; //GTFOUT3 DD DSNAME=&NAME3,UNIT=&DEVICE,DISP=&DSPS; EnterSTART GTFABC,,,DEVICE=TAPE, to override the default value of the UNIT parameter for each output data set ...
使用任何一个条件代码或 JCL 控制语句 IF 31,一个 PROC 有 5 个作业步,Step 3 有一个条件代码,如何 erride/nullify 这个条件代码? 在 EXEC 语句中用 override 如下: //STEP001 EXEC procname, COND.stepname=value 象 COND, PARM 这样的 EXEC 语句必须这样覆盖 32,如何覆盖一个在 PROC 中的特殊的 DD...
//STEP1 EXEC MYPROC,SORTDSN=ZPROF.AREA.CODES //MYSORT.SORTOUT DD DSN=ZPROF.MYSORT.OUTPUT, // DISP=(NEW,CATLG) //SYSIN DD * SORT FIELDS=(1,3,CH,A) TheMYSORT.SORTOUT DDstatement is a procedure override that redefines the output data set as a newly created data set rather than...
A41) One way is to code SYSIN DD DUMMY in the PROC, and then override this from the JCL with instream data. 如何解决这个限制呢 在PROC内编写SYSIN DD DUMMY,然后从JCL用流数据覆盖它 Q42) How do you run a COBOL batch program from a JCL? How do you run a COBOL/DB2 program? A42) ...
Override DD-statements of an in-stream procedure by aldencarr123 » Sat Nov 14, 2020 10:10 pm 4Replies 2222Views Last postby willy jensen Mon Nov 16, 2020 8:23 am PDS members by aldencarr123 » Fri Nov 13, 2020 8:19 pm
(or PROC's) with parameter substitution and overrides. The purpose of this example is to show how to use ZOS (or MVS) JCL and Procedures (or PROC's) with substitution parameters and overrides (or PROC override). The examples will run on an IBM Mainframe with ZOS or in a Micro Focus ...
m_OutputAssign関数によって管理されるファイルには、m_OutputOverride関数を使用します。外部Sysinの実行ファイルに格納されているコマンドを実行するには、m_UtilityExec関数を使用します。ネットワーク・ジョブ入力(NJE)次の表では、Oracle Tuxedo Application Rehosting Workbenchおよびバッチ・ラン...
Use the m_FileOverride function for the files managed by the m_FileAssign function.Use the m_OutputOverride function for the files managed by the m_OutputAssign function.Execution of External SysinUse the m_UtilityExec function in order to execute commands stored in a file....