Procainamide challenge significantly increases the yield of electrophysiologic testing for risk assessment without loss of positive predictive valueangiotensin IInitric oxide synthase uncouplingnox expressioncGMP-dependent protein kinasevasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein...
Characterization of tumour necrosis factor α release by human granulocytes in response to procainamide challenge The role of human granulocytes in the promotion of procainamide (PA) toxicity in vitro has been studied and one of the agents responsible for DNA strand sc... CM Hill,J Lunec,HR Gr...
No sustained arrhythmias or adverse events occurred.Conclusions ECG changes including prolongation of the PR, QRS, and QTc intervals were seen in all children who underwent procainamide challenge for evaluation of possible Brugada syndrome. An increase in the PR, QRS, and QTc intervals of at least...
Procainamide Challenge Induces Electrocardiogram Changes in All Pediatric SubjectsChristopher Jordan, MD
Procainamide challenge significantly increases the yield of electrophysiologic testing for risk assessment without loss of positive predictive valuedoi:10.1016/s0735-1097(02)80514-9David S. SchreibmanLynda E. RosenfeldCraig A. McPhersonWilliam P. Batsford...
Ajmaline versus procainamide challenge test in the diagnosis of sudden unexplained death or Brugada syndromedoi:10.1016/S0735-1097(02)80491-0GumpanartVeerakulandLertlakChaothaweeandBanharnKoanantakulandKoonlaweeSDOSJournal of the American College of Cardiology...
RosenfeldL. E.BatsfordW. P.LampertR.AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGYSchreibman, D.S., McPherson, C.A., Rosenfeld, L.E., Batsford, W.P. & Lampert, R. 2004. Usefulness of procainamide challenge for electrophysiologic arrhythmia risk stratification. Am J Cardiol 94, 1435-1438....
Hill CM, Lunec J, Griffiths HR, Herbert KE. Characterization of tumour necrosis factor alpha release by human granulocytes in response to procainamide challenge. Biochem Pharmacol. 1995 Jun 16; 49 (12):1837–1849.Nikupaavo U, Kaasalainen T, Reijonen V, Ahonen SM, Kortesniemi M (2015) ...
Ajmaline versus procainamide challenge test in the diagnosis of sudden unexplained death or Brugada syndromedoi:10.1016/s0735-1097(02)80491-0Gumpanart VeerakulLertlak ChaothaweeBanharn KoanantakulKoonlawee Nademanee
McPhersonLyndaE.RosenfeldWilliamSDOSAmerican Journal of CardiologySchreibman, D.S., McPherson, C.A., Rosenfeld, L.E., Batsford, W.P. & Lampert, R. 2004. Usefulness of procainamide challenge for electrophysiologic arrhythmia risk stratification. Am J Cardiol 94, 1435-1438....