proc transpose data=&outd._2(where=(_TYPE_^=0)) out=&outd._t prefix=x; by &group.;**保留的分组变量; /*id ;*/**id变量为转置后数据集的变量名 在没有选择let时,id变量的值在数据集中只能出现一次,by组内最后一个id值的观测将会被转置; var n nmiss mean median std min max qrange mo...
1.1 proc means 使用procmeans对变量urban和rural按照age分组求和,并将计算的结果输出到result1数据集里。 proc means data=popu noprint; var urban rural; class age; output out=result1 (keep=age urban_sum rural_sum) sum=urban_sum rural_sum; run; 下图可见不同年龄段城市和农村地区的男女人口合计,其...
PROC MEANS<statistic-keyword(s)>; BY<DESCENDING>variable-1<…<DESCENDING>variable-n><NOTSORTED>; CLASSvariable(s); FREQvariable; IDvariable(s); OUTPUT<OUT=SAS-data-set> <id-group-specification(s)><maximum-id-specification(s)> <minimum-id-specification(s)> ; TYPESrequest(s); VARvariable(...
PROC MEANS <options> <statistic-keyword(s)>; BY <DESCENDING> variable-1 <<DESCENDING> variable-2 ...> <NOTSORTED>; CLASS variable(s) </ options>; FREQ variable; ID variable(s); OUTPUT <OUT=SAS-data-set> <id-group-specification(s)> <maximum-id-specification(s)> <minimum-id-specif...
However, I would like to summarize the data per quarter in SAS. The problem I am having is that if for a country the same quantity is given twice (within the quarter) then PROC MEANS only take one of the two quantities. So I am missing data. Is there a way to fix this pr...
The effects of the treatments (1 means effective; 0 means not effective) and the cost for each visit are recorded. Other than the two simulated datasets, two datasets shipped with SAS, SASHELP.CLASS and SASHELP.CARS, are also used in the paper. ***(0.2) Simulate a dataset for hospital...
SAS Data Set ▪ These defaults can be over-ridden ▪ Can be faster than doing similar calculations in PROC SQL ▪ Computes many useful statistics including: ▪ Mean ▪ Quartiles and Percentiles ▪ Sum ▪ Minimum ▪ Standard Deviation ▪ Maximum ▪ N ▪ Range ▪ N Missing...
【SAS Says】基础篇:描述性分析(下) :中位数 N:非缺失值个数 Nmiss:缺失值数 P90:90th分位数 Pctn:某类的观测值百分数 Pctsum:某类值总和的百分数 STDDEV:标准差 SUM:求和 Concatenating,...4.15 在proc tabulate输出的顶部有两种方法可以改变顶部信息 Class 变量变量值 要改变class语句列出...
While many SAS programmers may be accustomed to accomplishing these aggregation tasks with PROC SUMMARY (or equivalently, PROC MEANS), PROC SQL can also do a bang-up job of aggregation – often with less code and fewer steps. This step-by-step paper explains how to use PROC SQL for a ...