There is one case where people have actually used a Proc GLM to test the difference in renewals among customer groups based on different communication channels. So how can Proc GLM or the t-test which are meant for continuous dependent values be used for comparing proportions/rati...
specifies the null proportion difference. The default value is 0. This option can be used only with the GROUPPROPORTIONS= or PROPORTIONDIFF= option in the TEST=PCHI analysis. See the section Specifying Value Lists in Analysis Statements for information about specifying the number-list. NULLRELATI...
The _FREQ_ variable tells us how many observations were aggregated in producing the summary statistics – here because we are aggregating over the entire file (i.e. no CLASS variables), it tells us the number of observations in the entire data set. The difference between this and the N ...
(see SAS Help) 2 PROC SUMMARY Overview ▪ Data to be used in most examples is SASHELP.CARS (partial view), which you all have access to (no LIBNAME statement needed) 3 PROC SUMMARY Overview Example 1: Compute average MSRP by Origin proc summary; class origin; var ...
In this example you want to compare two physical therapy treatments designed to increase hamstring flexibility. You need to determine the number of patients required to achieve a power of at least 0.9 to detect a group mean difference in a two-sample t...
Re: PROC FREQ Binomial 95%CI with ratio=0% (e.g., 0 out of 4) Posted 49m ago (16 views) | In reply to paulrutti Hello @paulrutti and welcome to the SAS Support Communities! The ZEROS option of the WEIGHT statement is often useful in this situati...
Since we want the states with the highest proportion of 95 year-olds to be first, we want to put the output in descending order. Unlike PROC SORT (or many other places in SAS), in PROC SQL, the keyword DESCENDING (which can be shortened to DESC), must be after the column name that...
Registration is now open for SAS Innovate 2025 , our biggest and most exciting global event of the year! Join us in Orlando, FL, May 6-9.Sign up by Dec. 31 to get the 2024 rate of just $495.Register now! What is Bayesian Analysis? Learn the difference between classical and Bayesian...
Input from the SAS developers would be really nice here, especially Schabenberger and Wolfinger. I realize this may not be the place, but they are the architects behind GLIMMIX, and I would love to know their thoughts. Steve Denham 0 Likes Rick_SAS SAS Super FREQ Re: R side vs...
So, essentially you want to do something like an ANOVA where the response is binary, and then multiple comparisons of the proportions in each year. This note describes a few methods of doing this. --Paige Miller 0 Likes Reply StatDave SAS Super FREQ Re: Proc GLM and weights Posted...