push({ x, y }); vis[x][y] = 1; //dfs可以利用递归实现查询,而bfs需要利用循环 while (q.size()) { pair<int, int>t = q.front(); q.pop(); //需要将队首删除 int tx = t.first; int ty = t.second; if (mp[tx][ty - 1] == '#' && mp[tx][ty - 1] == '#' && mp...
hi all, it would be helpful if somebody can give links to problems related to dfs and bfs.
N/A Walls and Gates.java Medium [BFS, DFS] Java 54 N/A Decode String.java Medium [DFS, Divide and Conquer, Stack] Java 55 N/A The Maze.java Medium [BFS, DFS] Java 56 N/A Palindromic Substrings.java Medium [DP, String] Java 57 N/A Rearrange String k Distance Apart.java Hard ...
首先是 Coimbra 乳腺癌数据集,下图中展示了 PFs、DFs、BFs 三个特征集合,然后利用这些特征样本在森林中构建 DT。 下图将 MCC 作为模型精度矩阵值,雷达图表明所提出的 XRRF 方法其他算法。 接着是汽车评估业务数据集,下图中展示了 PFs、DFs、BFs 三个特征集合。 下图将 MCC 作为模型精度矩阵值,雷达图表明所提出...
Traverse a given directory using BFS and DFS in Java Perform vertical traversal of a binary tree Compute the maximum number of nodes at any level in a binary tree Print right view of a binary tree Construct a directed graph from an undirected graph that satisfies given constraints...
294 Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence.java Medium Java [DFS, Divide and Conquer, Tree] 295 Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph.java Medium Java [BFS, DFS, Graph, Union Find] 296 Next Closest Time.java Medium Java [Basic Implementation, Enumeration, String] 297 Seri...
Submitted byShivangi Jain, on July 29, 2018 P Problems Pis the set of all the decision problems solvable by deterministic algorithms in polynomial time. NP Problems NPis the set of all the decision problems that are solvable by non - deterministic algorithms in polynomial time. ...
No previous highly parallelizable combinatorial problems either on graph structures or on its geometrical representations are known. Optimal parallel algorithms with O(log n) running time are known for MDS, DFS, BFS, and MIS problems.doi:10.1016/0167-8191(94)00102-GR. Sridhar...
Use 139 questions to judge first, and then backtrack; 2. Use Map data structure to directly backtrack 2021.07.08 No.343 Integer Split Given a positive integer n, split it into the sum of at least two positive integers, and maximize the product of these integers. Returns the largest ...
N/A Walls and Gates.java Medium [BFS, DFS] Java 54 N/A Decode String.java Medium [DFS, Divide and Conquer, Stack] Java 55 N/A The Maze.java Medium [BFS, DFS] Java 56 N/A Palindromic Substrings.java Medium [DP, String] Java 57 N/A Rearrange String k Distance Apart.java Hard ...